Chapter XXV

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Everyone has returned to the Tomlinson estate and Harry is still healing from his wounds at the hands of Romulus and Sinister. The unknown figure and Sinister have evaded the Tomlinson estate's forces and went into hiding. 


Harry woke up and found himself in the bedroom. Harry got up and proceeded to get dress in his uniform. He got dressed and went to the dining hall. Upon exiting his room, Xander was right by his side and spoke, "My lord, I will escort you to the dining hall. After, Louis has ordered us to go into town and go shopping." Harry was still surprised to be called 'lord' by the vampires. He didn't like it and wanted Xander to stop calling him 'lord'. 

"Ok, X. Can you please call me by my name and not a title?" asked Harry. Xander smiled at the new nickname given by Harry. He enjoyed the company of the curly haired lad. He nodded and they proceeded to the dining hall. They entered the dining hall and there was no one in sight. "Where is everyone?" asked Harry with concern in his voice. They took a seat and Xander spoke, "My l- Harry, everyone is performing their assigned duties and Louis is with Zayn. They are discussing something, they wouldn't even inform anyone about it. " 

Harry didn't like the sound of their discussion being a secret, but he didn't want to upset Louis and Zayn. Harry and Xander spoke for a time, a servant came to the dining hall with their meals. "Xander, may I ask you a few questions?" asked Harry. Xander took a bit of his food and nodded. Harry looked at him and spoke, "How old are you? What exactly do you do at the estate?" 

Xander smiled at him and spoke, "As I said before, I am young, I am only 40 years old. I am assigned as your bodyguard, I do literally everything with you, unless it involves a private matter." Harry smiled and they continued to eat until their meal was gone. They stood up and left the estate, they got into a vehicle and traveled into town.


"Lou, are you serious about asking Harry this?" questioned Zayn. Louis nodded and they walked to the back of the estate. Louis looked off into the distance and spoke, "I love him with every ounce of my body. I can't get him out of my mind, I want to spend the rest of my life with Harry by my side. Is it ok with you, Zayn?" 

Zayn approached Louis from behind and placed his hands on Louis's shoulders. "Yes, Lou. I will always support you in anyway. If you want to do this for Harry, I will stand by you. I don't expect the other vampires to backlash at you. All of us love you and will always listen to you." said Zayn. They remained silent for a time, until a guardsman came outside. "My lord, Assistant Harry and Xander have left the estate and are headed into town. 

Louis nodded and spoke, "Call all of the officers into the meeting room, Zayn and I will be with them soon." The guardsman nodded and entered the estate, he left them alone. 

The guardsman informed all of the officers about the meeting. In minutes, the officers were at the meeting room, they waited for Louis and Zayn. They waited in silence, until going to the meeting room. When Louis and Zayn entered the meeting room, they noticed Niall, Archer, Liam, and two unfamilar figures.

Recently, Louis and Zayn elected two new officers; Beno and Marcel. They saw these two vampires benefiting the Tomlinson estate with their skill set. However, they didn't know how these two would feel about humans and more importantly, Harry. Also, Liam was only invited for his opinion, he didn't have any voting power in the Tomlinson estate's situations. Louis released a deep sigh and spoke, "I have an important announcement . . . " Zayn walked over to the doors of the meeting room and closed them. No one was able to listen to their discussion.


Harry and Xander arrived and went to the mall to shop. They got out of the vehicle and Xander spoke, "Harry, we must get you clothes, tolietries, a cell phone, laptop and anything else you want. Understand?" Harry looked at Xander and nodded. They walked into the mall and Xander took the lead. "Xander, can I get a tattoo?" asked Harry. 

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