Chapter XVI

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Author Note:  This chapter will be shorter then most. I apologize for this, I promise the next chapter will be better. Please remember to vote and comment. 


Another week has passed since Louis attempted Harry's rescue. Harry has continued to be tortured by Commander Sinister. Zayn has informed Louis of the officer's plan to contact the Night Hunt and the archangel Michael. The Tomlinson estate has failed to get into contact with Michael, they are running out of time. All of the officers know, if Harry isn't rescue, he will be killed by Sinister's tortures. 


The Night Hunt's command center was quiet and no reports have been received yet. A hunter walks into the room with a disturbing report and letter. "Sir, I have a report for you and a letter addressed to you." said the hunter. Damon turned around to face the hunter and took the letter from him. He motioned for the hunter to read the report to him. 

"Sir, the report explains about an attack on the Tomlinson estate by the Blackstar estate. Also, that the Blackstar estate kidnapped the boy from them." explained the hunter. Damon was disturbed by this, he didn't want any harm to come to this boy. He left the command center and entered his room, he opened the letter and started to read it.


Dear Damon; Leader of the Night Hunt,

          The Tomlinson estate and it's officers would like to humbly request your presence at our estate. The officers and I would like to form an alliance to take action against the Blackstar estate for kidnapping one of our own. Present this letter to the gatekeeper and he will allow you and your hunters to enter. We don't mean you any harm, we only wish for your aid to rescue our own.


          Louis Tomlinson, and our officers.


Damon was confused by this letter. First, Louis referred to the kidnapping of Harry as one of our own. Second, vampires don't usually ask for help from vampire hunters, at the least. He didn't know what to think of this letter, he had to show this to his hunters. He leaves his room and goes back to the command center. 

He enters and says, "All hunters are to report to the command center ASAP!" This was announced through intercom system alerting all of the hunters. Within minutes, the hunters were gathered in the command center. Damon inspected all of his hunters and stayed quiet for a time. "My brothers and sisters, I have received a letter from the Tomlinson estate. They are asking for my presence at the estate, they only wish to speak. I will travel to the estate with our finest hunters to speak with them. Prepare yourselves for war against them or the Blackstar estate, for when I return. Dismissed!" yelled Damon. The hunters left the room and Damon proceeded to leave with his hunters.


The Tomlinson estate has been quiet of late. The officers continued to discuss in the war room, but Louis hasn't joined them since Harry's kidnapping. Zayn and Niall have tried to convince him to come to the war room for discussions, but he refuses. The morale of the estate has been low, no one has any hope for Harry's survival, not even Louis. He continues to hide away in their room, he cuddles with Harry's picture, only wishing his Hazza was back. 

The officers are in the war room discussing on the methods of contacting Michael. "Zayn, there has been no luck in contacting Michael. He isn't an easy man to get too, we need help." said Rado. The officers have tried contacting Michael with several methods. They have tried searching for him, praying for him, and even begging for him to come. Nothing has happened, they continue to lose hope to finding him. 

"Wait! Michael is the archangel of protection, faith, and the will of God. Michael and his legions won't come to us, we aren't human. He can't hear our prayers and cries for help. We need a human to ask for his help. However, we can't kidnap a human, Michael and his legions would see us as enemies. We need a human to volunteer to help us." said Liam. He has always been one of the more knowledgeable vampires in this region. 

"Your right, Liam. Nevertheless, where are we going to find a human?" asked Rado. It was going to be a difficult task to find a human to help them. Zayn returned to the conversation and spoke, "The Night Hunt is coming soon. We will ask them. Our discussions for today are over." 

Everyone left the room and returned to their daily duties. 


Harry was being prepped for his next torture session with Sinister. "Guardsman, please bring me a whip. I wish to beat him." said Sinister. The guardsman nods and leaves, he returns with a whip in hand. "Remove his shirt!" ordered Sinister. The guardsman did as ordered, he removed his shirt. Harry looked into Sinister's eyes are only saw rage and anger, he didn't see any empathy. "P-Please you don't have t-to do this. I only want L-Louis." said Harry with a struggle. He started to cry, he knew his words mean nothing to the heartless vampire. The guardsman grabbed Harry's shoulders and held him down. Sinister raised the whip in the air and said, "No one will ever save you. You were never loved in the first place!" 

Sinister whipped Harry with great force. Large wounds appeared on his back with blood flowing out of them. Sinister whipped him again and again, Harry had several wounds and cuts on his back. He continued to cry for him to stop, Sinister stopped and approached him. "Next time, I won't be so kind to you. My favorite type of torture is rape, I can't wait for you." said Sinister. He and the guardsman left the holding cell.

'Rape' was the only word in his mind and thoughts. He continued to cry and cry, Louis was all he needed. He didn't know, how long he could take this. He started to imagine death was the only escape, but he will stay strong for Louis. He started to question Sinister's statement, did Louis love him?

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