The Vampire's Assistant (Larry Stylinson AU)

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Louis Tomlinson was a vampire, one of the most powerful. He was the serving lord of the Tomlinson Estate. The Tomlinson estate was one of the three, most powerful vampire estates. The other two estates were the Blackstar and Dawnbreak. The Blackstar and Tomlinson estates are currently at war with each other. The Dawnbreak has called a meeting to establish peace between the estates. The Blackstar estate offer a boy for peace, Louis couldn't turn it down. He accepted the boy as a slave of the Tomlinson estate

Harry Styles was a normal teenage until one night. One night, he was kidnapped by Lord Romulus and taken as a slave. Lord Romulus offered the new slave; Harry Styles to Louis Tomlinson. Lord Romulus wanted peace between Blackstar estate and Tomlinson estate with each other, could this slave solve their problems or worsen them?

How will this effect Harry and the fate of Louis Tomlinson?

The story's cover is created by: @Irishcoke.

The Vampire's Assistant (Larry Stylinson AU) - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now