The first mission

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Please read if you like this story so far or any of the others.  If you haven't read any of my other books then go read them!!

P.S. I do not own Naruto!! I only own Rin!!


Itachi's POV

*1 year later*

Rin turned five yesterday and Leader-sama promised her a mission when she turned five.  Right now he is giving her the detail on the mission, he gave her an easy one since it is her first one.

I stood beside her and said, "are you ready for this mission? You might get into an unexpected battle during the mission."  She looked up at me and said, "don't worry daddy, I'll be fine!  I'm super strong so I'll come home safely."

She finished packing and put on her boots, ready to leave the base for the first time.  "I'll see you in a few days daddy, just wait for me." 

She walked out the door to start on her first mission.  Her mission was to find out about what the Hokage was planning against us.

'I just hope she will come home safely' was all I could think about the rest of the day. 

Rin's POV

I was finally going on my first mission and I would get to see my uncle Sasuke for the first time.

Daddy talks about him all of the time and it annoys me how I can't meet him.  I was right outside of the village of Konoha when someone said, "who are you and what is your reason for being here." 

"I was kicked out of my village because I wasn't like them and they said I was a disappointment," I said as I fake cried and dropped to the ground to make it look believable. 

"We will bring you to the Hokage, but only if you tell us your name."  He said in a sympathetic voice.

"My name is Rin Miyami" I said looking up at the man with my magenta eyes.  He stared at me for a few seconds but quickly snapped out of it.

"Okay Rin, just come with us.  We will get you somewhere safe." 

He picked me up and put me on his back, "hold on tight okay?" 

"Ok," I said still mixing the fake crying into my voice.  He started to hop from building to building, being careful not to drop me. 

"We're here," he said, he knocked on the door and a few seconds later we heard an old voice say, "come in."  

We stepped in and closed the door, then walked up to the Hokage with me hiding behind the man that was at the gate. 

I had this all figured out.  I would be a little girl that got kicked out and found this village the closest place around, then I would always be really shy and scared and nervous around people. 

You see, my plan had no flaws and all possibilities would end up in that solution.  No one would even think of the little shy girl to be an Akatsuki spy sent to find out all of Konoha's secrets. 

"U-um, h-hello Mr. Hokage. I-I want to a-ask permission t-to stay in K-konoha," I said with my best nervous sounding voice.

"Of course you can stay in Konoha but if I may ask, what is your name child?" 

"R-Rin Miyami" I said as I looked away from everyone, hiding my face with my hair.

Hokage's POV

"R-Rin Miyami," she said as she looked away from everyone, with her hair hiding her face.

"Well Rin, you can stay here but you will have to live with one of the jonin. Kakashi," I said.  He appeared in front of my desk and said, "yes Hokage-sama?"

"I would like you to meet Rin Miyami. Rin this is Kakashi Hatake he will be your guardian from now on.  Kakashi please take care of her, she will be starting at the academy tomorrow."

He nodded then took Rin, and left.  'I wonder how strong she is, she doesn't look very strong and she had barely any chakra.  I just hope she stays happy and safe in this village.'  I thought and smiled at the image of the little girl.

'Rin, just who are you?'


Thank for reading, I will update as soon as possible!!  Sorry for the slow updates just please bare with it!!




And Fan!!


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