1 - This can't be happening to me

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The first few chapters are going to show/tell you how Zeva met Hunter.

http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=199404374 (her outfit for the day)

http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=199408149 ( bed time outfit)

Zeva's P.O.V

I'm getting books out of my locker for English which is my last class for the day and putting the books from my last class back until I heard my name being called. I looked in the direction of where it came from and saw a fat tall guy with a skinny thin guy next to him their, names are Bulk and Skull Jr. they're best friends but their dad's knew my aunts and uncles that came to Angel Grove High School. Skull Jr. basically slammed his hand into the locker next to mine which made me jump a bit.

" Hey Zeva baby do you maybe wanna hang out this weekend, go see a movie and maybe smooch a bit?" while making kissing noises.

I shuddered at the thought but I have an idea, I smiled sweetly and put my hand in his hair playing with it a little, I said to him

" Sure Skull I'd love that but first could I maybe get a little sneaky peek if we're going to smooch?" great add 2 things on my to do list 1. Disinfect and boil my hand for playing with his hair and 2. Scrub my mouth out with soap until it bleeds for what I had just said.

"Sure, pucker up sweet cheeks."

He leaned in and I grabbed his arm that was on the locker grabbed it and put it behind his back, grabbed the other one, spun him a bit and threw him into Bulk, when he landed on Bulk they both screamed and pushed each other away, landing in garbage bins trying to get out. Everyone was laughing I was chuckling a bit and muttered

" Like father like son..."

I turned back to my locker and grabbed my notebook, shut my locker and went to class. I walked into class and sat in my seat which is in the very back right corner next to the window, 2 minutes later the bell rang for everyone to be in class. Everyone sat down and the teacher began doing his job.

*Skipping to end of class*

I was answering the last question for the homework assignment that Mr. McCormick assigned us. Mr. McCormick was in his mid 20's black short somewhat spiky hair with chocolate brown eyes and a 5 o'clock shadow, the bell rang and I packed up my stuff leaving the assignment and my pen out. I threw my bag on my shoulder, put the pen in my coat pocket where my phone was, went up to the desk and stapled it and turned it in even though it was due on Friday which was in 2 days. He smiled and said

" Have a good night Zeva."

I smiled and said the same thing back to him. I walked to my locker while weaving my way through the crowd, when I got there I put my English textbook away along with my folder and notebook, I swung my bag so it was still on my shoulder but the back part is on my front digging for my keys, I shut my locker and headed out. When I stepped outside I was hit with freezing weather, I hugged myself trying to get warm as I was walking to my truck.

As I was nearing my my truck I was getting my key with shaky hands, I unlocked my truck, got in and started it. I drove to the Youth Center where I like to spend my free time practicing my martial arts or help Ernie out, I knew Ernie for as long as I can remember. I parked in the parking lot, walked in and saw that Ernie was slammed with customers. I helped him out until it was closing time. I was cleaning up the tables and the bar when Ernie walked out.

"Zeva sweetie thank you so much for helping me out today, you wouldn't mind locking the place up today would you?"

I smiled " Anytime and sure."

He smiled "Thanks Zeva" he hugged me and handed me the key.

I chuckled as he walked out, I walked up the steps to clean the employee side of the bar where the fruit is cut and blended. The rag slipped from my hand onto the floor and I heard a strange noise from the other side of the bar, I heard somewhat of a man's voice and it sounded like he was talking to himself

"This outta prove that I'm worthy enough as a general and not some servant to those crazy teenage girls."

I was confused but very alarmed because I know that my adopted dad Jason, aunts and uncles were power rangers, they taught me how to defend myself just in case. I heard that man talking again.

"Kelzaks, search the place for the girl and grab her communicator, then we can use the power in the communicator to destroy the wind and thunder rangers.

I heard footsteps coming my way, I got up and started fighting the footsoldiers call Kelzaks. I got them away from the bar and down onto floor where the exercise equipment is and did a roundhouse kick knocking a few down in the process. I back flipped over one, kicked its back so it landed face first on floor. I got tackled down to ground by a bunch of them so I couldn't move but my right wrist was visible. A black metal suit of some weird looking armor with 2 swords on his back kneeled down and grabbed my communicator off my wrist. I started thrashing around but more piled on so I couldn't even fight back. All I could do was watch that metal freakazoid take my only access to morph. He disappeared and so did the those weird looking footsoldiers.

I got up, looked around to make sure nothing was either damaged or broken, everything was ok. I ran where the light switches were and turned off the lights. I ran out of the place, locking it up and placing it where Ernie knows where it is, and grabbed my truck key, hopped in and drove home. I saw Jason's car in the driveway, I parked, grabbed my stuff, ran to the door unlocked it and saw Jason on the couch watching Martial Arts on the flat screen. He saw me and went wide eyed, he ran over, grabbed me by the shoulders and said

" Zeva what happened?"

I shook my head and walked over to the couch and said

" I don't know it happened so fast, one minute I was cleaning the juice bar, the next I'm fighting these footsoldiers called Kelzaks, and they had help from this metal armor mouthless freak who was talking!....Jason they took my communicator."

My voice cracking because I had that since I found out that Jason and his friends AKA my aunts and uncles were rangers, I was only 5 just turning 6 when I found out, some birthday week for me I got a very big surprise. Jason came over sat next to me and hugged me, I leaned against him in comfort and I felt tears run down my cheeks.

"We'll get it back somehow Zeva, don't worry sweetie." he kissed the top of my head

" Go upstairs, get changed and go to bed, you had a rough day after that, ok?"

I nodded and he let go of me, I walked up the stairs to my room with my phone in pocket still. I opened the door only to be greeted with the room temperature I love. I changed into a black wife beater a red and black plaid shorts that went down to my mid thigh. I got in bed, turned on my side looked at my clock say that it was 9:30 and fell asleep.

(Author's Note: Wow, first chapter done, tell me how it is to you guys, I would like feedback)  

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