chapter two: light the world ablaze

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hello readers, I'm sorry I took so long but hopefully, it wasn't too much of a cliff-hanger...

and jason will be back soon

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"How perfectly draining to at the same time always feel like far too much and yet never quite enough."

-Tyler Knott Gregson

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"I'm sorry, but what side of you am I speaking to?" Destiny speaks, slowly walking towards me, "The irresponsible Celeste who puts everyone in danger, or the one that has at least a little rationality to admit what she has done was wrong?" Cass stands in the back, looking apologetic for what's soon to come and I know that this is bad.

Terribly bad.

"The rational,-" I pause, shaking my head, "no. You know what? I fixed my mistakes. I fixed what I did. I went against what I wanted- which was to have the boy remember me- and did what you two wanted, so I'm sorry for any possible inconvenience-" My voice gets louder until I'm cut off.

I can't even speak without being interrupted.

"No you're not. Because if you were always sorry after the mistake you made, you wouldn't keep making the same ones in hopes of probably getting attention-" She speaks with rage in her voice but I'm stunned that she thinks I do these horrid things to be noticed.

"Destiny!" Cassidy steps out from the shadows to scold our sister, "She did what we asked. She fixed what she-"

"No, no it's okay. Besides, what is she going to do? Blow out fire through her mouth at my face. Burn me alive? What are you going to do about me, Fire Breather?" I taunt and I can't help but have a little fun with it, "Remember our first house? I didn't make us move. Who's the one who started a forest fire?" I quirk an eye-brow.

"That was different-" Des starts but I stare wide-eyed at her.

"How is that different? You burnt down a whole forest and all life within it. Unless you could turn back time and restore life, I don't think that's much different than me and my mistakes. Just like you, I can't fix everything I've done."

"It is different. Because that was a one-time thing. I learned. I don't keep making the same mistake over and over and harming innocent people-"

"You know, maybe it's not Celeste's fault-" Cass starts, trying to defend a losing case.

"It's not her fault that she's killed people? That she made us move multiple times because of what she's done? Keepers like her get killed-" Destiny yells and the table next to us shakes as my fist's clench with anger and frustration. With a flick of my finger and telekinesis, I think to myself, it could fly and hit Destiny.

"You know, maybe if she wasn't angry all the time this wouldn't happen. Do you understand that you are the main source of all her anger? You provoke her all the time. You don't let her live in peace. You put this weight on her shoulders that she can't hold and she crashes and that's what causes all of this." She swings her arms around and looks around the house and the damage to the floor and walls as if to prove her point.

"It's not my fault that she puts us in danger-" Destiny starts but doesn't get to finish.

"See, that's my point. She doesn't put us in danger. She doesn't go out and instantly get angry at sights in front of her. She leaves this house angry and that's because of you. She's angry because of you."

"No, she's angry because she knows I'm right. She knows that she is the reason we have to move. That she is the reason we could be endangered- hell they could be onto us-" Destiny lists off, taking small intimidating steps forward.

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