I Won't |E|

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Mr. and Mrs. Ross thought it'd be best for me to head on home seeing as Evangeline wouldn't want to see anyone tonight. I was determined on staying until she agreed to hear me out but seeing as Ruby wasn't having any of it, I decided to go home.

Dad was on the couch when I walked through the doors. "Fils," he says. "How is she?" I regret telling him that Ev had an accident. He's acting like he gives a damn.

"She's fine, Dad, but do us a favor and stop acting like you actually care because I know you don't." I snap.

"I do care," Dad frowns. "I care because you don't get it. This was Evangeline's warning; you need to open your eyes and see it. Jane was warned too before she was murdered."

"She won't be murdered," I hiss. I won't let that happen. I won't let Ev down like I let Jane down. Like I let my mother down. "I'm not letting that happen again."

I can't. I can't lose Ev.

And I won't.



I can just imagine the pain Ruby must be feeling. Evangeline being involved in a car wreck surely brought some deja vu into her life.

"Nicolas, where are you taking me?" Ruby giggled, watching the cars pass through her window. I pressed my right hand on her belly, she wasn't showing yet but we recently received news that we'd be turning into parents in nine months.

"Mon amour, if I tell you, it'll ruin the surprise for the both of you." I smiled, keeping my eyes focused on the road. "Besides, surprises are fun, are they not?"

She nodded. I glanced at her belly again, I still can't believe that there is a beautiful little creation of our love developing inside her. After months of trying to have a baby, we finally get to have one. I was beyond happy, I'm sure Ruby is as well.

Ruby pulled out some cookies from her purse, "Craving or just hungry?" She gave me a firm look and I blew her a kiss before she could say anything.

Moments later, Ruby fell asleep during the car ride. I can't blame her, we've been on the road for approximately two hours now. We still needed one more hour to arrive at our destination. I'm tired as well but I find a way to stay awake by listening to some music.

Minutes later, an imbecile sped passed us. I honked the horn to let him know he's a fucktard. I press my hand on my wife's belly again, at least the moron didn't hit us.

Unfortunately, I spoke to soon. Seconds later, another car sped beside us. But this time, the driver seemed to have lost control of the wheel. He spiraled in circles in front of us, I quickly switched the gear from drive to reverse.

I wasn't fast enough. The moron hit us and our car spiraled; airbags flew out and I turn to glance at Ruby. She is still sound asleep but she has blood trickling down her face. I attempt to place my hand on her belly, I mumble to our baby, "It'll be okay, you'll be okay. Daddy loves you."

I fixed my eyes to the side, I caught a glimpse of the idiot driver who crashed us. He stumbled out of his car and began to walk as if nothing had happened. My eyes were closing yet I managed to notice something about the man. He was drunk.

I woke up in a hospital, a doctor beside me. Ruby was sobbing, they placed her beside me. "What's wrong with my wife? Is she okay?" I panic. "Is our baby okay? Tell me our baby is okay!"

The doctor placed his hand on my shoulder, "Sir, I need you to calm down. You and your wife have been in a car accident. You and your wide have broken bones but nothing to permanent."

"And our baby?" I was relieved that Ruby and I were fine but what about our unborn baby? The doctor sighed deeply. "Sorry, sir. Your wife had a miscarriage."

I shook my head, glancing at Ruby. She was sobbing like crazy, shortly, I followed her actions. We lost our baby because of a drunken imbecile.

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