Albert Jourdan |E|

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Evangeline's Pov

"You're such a jerk," I hiss. "If you only wanted to make another girl jealous, you could've brought some other girl. Not me! Why me, huh? I never did anything to you for you to use and humiliate me in front of the entire dance!"

Eric smirked, his eyes showing no sign of regret. Was I really that easy to use? "Jackie, I really -"

"My name isn't Jackie!" I interrupt, "It's Evangeline, you prick!" I could hear some immature students snickering in the background while others give me pitiful looks. I've been humiliated enough, I don't really think I deserve to still be laughed at.

"Whatever," Eric waves me off and chuckles as his arm snakes around Sarah's waist. Sarah is captain of the cheerleading squad, she's gorgeous and everyone loves her or wants to be her. I always pictured her as the bitchy and bossy type but she's just really conceited. "I never really wanted to come to the dance with you, I was just ticked off that Sarah had agreed to coming with Dave."

Sarah nods as she twists her body so she could hug him by the side. "You were merely a toy for me to drag around until she came running back to me."

I was just a toy?

By now, nearly every student here has begun to release snorts of laughter until the entire room sounded like mock laughter. I grab the nearest cup of spiked punch out of a person close by and splash it onto Eric and Sarah, causing their outfits to be completely soaked. Sarah's eyes bugged out of her face as she began to squeal in horror toward the bathroom.

Eric gave me a challenging glare before walking away. I didn't stay around much longer to continue to be laughed at. I ran out of the dance and into the parking lot. Sobbing.

"Stupid Eric," I curse softly. "Stupid Sarah!"

Someone must've snuck out behind me, a hand rested on my shoulder lightly. "Hey, you alright? I saw what that connard did to you. You didn't need to go through that."

"Thanks," I mutter. "I'm fine, I just want to be alone right now."

The guy sat himself down on the concrete beside me. It's then that I see who he is. Albert Jourdan. Albert is the schools bad boy, reckless and uncaring. What's he doing outside here with me? "That's cool, we can be alone together."

"I don't think you understand the definition of alone," I argue. "Besides you don't have to stay here, your dates probably waiting for you to get back."

Albert chuckles, "Yeah, if you count my dork of a best friend who can run more laps than the quarterback as a date." I give him an odd look. "I came with my friends, not a girl." I nod, that makes much more sense. "But, I'd like for you to be my date, sorry it's a little last minute notice."

I look behind him toward the dance and I shake my head. "I don't think that'd be a good idea. I've been humiliated enough for one night, I really don't want to face everyone right now."

Albert takes my hand after rising and helps me up, "I won't let them do anything to you. No girl should ever have to remember any night as a humiliation. I want you to remember having fun. With me."

"That's n -"

"Great! Let's go dance," he says and tugs my arm toward the dance. Albert is known for being an uncaring son of a bitch but right now, he's showing the opposite.

Maybe he placed a bet? I don't think I can go through another humiliation.

When we enter the dance, all eyes are on us. I spot Eric and Sarah eyeing us from head to toe. Sarah scoffs once I pass her with Alberts grip on me.

Albert twirls me closer into his chest and we begin to slow dance. Other couples have joined the dance floor after a very menacing glare from Albert. Alberts arms slide down to my waist as he sways us back and forth.

I don't know what I was thinking when I rested my head on his chest. I'm a few inches short than him so his chest is all I could reach. "I'm Albert, by the way." He whispers.

I already know your name. I take my head off his shoulder and look directly into his eyes. "Thank you for this, Albert."

"It's my honor," he smiles genuinely. "Never cry for a douche, remember, you're worth more than what he thought and any fool could see that."

I smile and rest my head back onto his chest as he pulls me closer and whispers, "You're the most beautiful girl here, Evangeline."

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