♥Chapter Three♥

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      After school I told Lexi about everything that happened between Max and I.  Lexi told me not to trust Max because he is a jerk.  I pretended to agree with Lexi's advice but the truth is I totally disagree.  I'm so in love with Max.  But I know that if I stay in love with him I'm gonna get hurt someday so I need to get over it, it's just so hard.  

      I dropped Lexi off at her house since her car is broken and getting fixed right now.  After dropping her off I went to the grocery store and bought some food, then drove back home.  When I got home I finished all my homeworks.  Since mom and dad always get home late I have to take care of my brother Luke.  Luke is 7 years old and he loves lasagna so tonight I'm going to cook lasagna for him.  

       So I looked up a lasagna recipe and started making it.  I hope I don't fail at cooking lasagna.  I put the lasagna in the oven and wait for it to cook.  While it's cooking I went to the living room and watched TV.  Beep Beep Beep Beep I hear the oven calling me.  I walked to  the kitchen and took the lasagna out of the oven.  My face felt like it was burning while I was taking it out.  

      Anyways it smells so good, "Luke it's time for dinner".  Luke came out of his room saying "mmmm smells good sis".  "Thanks Luke I made it just for you and maybe for me" I said laughing.  I grab two plates and forks and put a slice of lasagna on our plates.  I watched Luke eat it and asked him if it was good or bad.  "This is delicious sis" Luke said with food in his mouth.  "Thanks Luke" I said with a lot of confidence.  

        After Luke finished eating, he was stuffed.  I cleaned the kitchen and turned the TV off.  Then I saw Luke lying on the couch sleeping.  I carried him to his bedroom and turned the lights off.  After that I went in my bedroom and went to bed.

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