♥Chapter Four♥

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       The next morning I woke up at 5:30 a.m. , I couldn't sleep at all last night.  All I could think about was Max.  I just can't believe he touched my hand.  I hope he will notice me at the dance.  Walking downstairs to eat breakfast I get my favorite cereal out which is krave and pour milk in the bowl.  While I was eating breakfast I was daydreaming about Max.  

         At 6:00 a.m. I took a quick shower and got ready.  While I was putting my makeup on Lexi called me.  I answered the phone and Lexi said "Can you please pick me up?".  "Oh um sure I'll be there at 6:30a.m." I said.  Then Lexi said thanks and hung up.  Since I'm picking Lexi up at 6:30a.m. , I tried to get ready fast because it was already 6:20a.m.  

       When I finished getting ready I said goodbye to Luke.  Luke rides the bus so he doesn't ride with me and his school doesn't start till 8:00a.m.  After saying goodbye I went in the garage and drove to Lexi's house.  After picking up Lexi I drove to school.  On our way to school Lexi told me why I had to pick her up and it was because her parents couldn't drop her off today only because they had a meeting.  

        Finally Lexi and I got to school.  We went out of my car and went by our other group of friends.  We talked for a while.  Then the school bell rang and everyone went inside.  I took my everyday classes and then went to band.  In band something interesting happened.  Two boys were were flirting with me, their names were Ethan and Gavin.  I used to have a crush on Ethan and Gavin but not anymore.  I'm so in love with Max.

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