Chapter 4

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(Jack's P.O.V.)

This town is huge. Glancing around, I still couldn't believe all of this is a safe zone. It's huge. Exploring on my own I figured out why this was called a safe zone. This is a place in which no monsters can barge into and (having a couple of battles) this place automatically starts to regenerate your health. It was really cool!

I shove my hands into the pockets of my black skinny jeans, my black robe flows behind me in the evening's gentle breeze as I walk towards the edge of the safe zone. My black septic guns sway in the holsters as I walk, one at each hip. Needless to say, I felt kind of badass, which didn't last long thanks to another beep.

I sigh and stopped walking. That was the third time that beeping noise has happened and I still don't know where it's coming from.

Running my fingers through my green hair, I look left, right, and down at my black combat boots. Nothing.

"Where the fuck is this noise..," I look up at my name and giggled as I saw a small green three next to the J. "Oopsies. I never thought to look up." I pressed it and a list comes up.

Oooooh. So this is where all of my settings are!! I laugh at myself in my head as I press the message button since this is where the three popped up.


I look at the time it was sent. Thirty minutes ago. Damn. It hasn't felt that long in this game. It literally feels like ten minutes. I accept and soon saw four other names along with Felix's. I smile a bit looking over their levels and roles. I was the strongest one here. Level 10 guardian. Guess I'm just that bosstastic.

I had a message from Felix that I didn't bother reading and a Message from Mark. I tap on it and a little box opens, showing me the message.


If you can see this message, meet us at Sammy's Dine-In around 7. Game time. This is where we will be logging out for the day.


I glance over at the town's church's clock. It was 6:55. The sun is nearly gone and it will be very dark soon, making it hard to see probably. I grit my teeth and exit out of the big box so I could see everything clearly. Sammy's Dine-In is literally six minutes away. I turn in the direction that the restaurant was in and started to run.


Just as it hit 7, I burst through the doors of the restaurant. Five heads turn in my direction. One red-haired guy with a dull gray outfit on stands up.

Mark, I instantly thought, smiling. His brown eyes fixated on me.

"Jack?!" He exclaims causing me to laugh.

"Who else would it be?," I ask, walking over to their table.

"Bro, you look like you're ready to cause chaos," Felix says. I chuckle, still staring at Mark.

"Thanks," I reply as I pull Mark in for a hug. I could feel him squeeze me back hard, making sure that I was real. We pull away and took our seats. "You're such a big worrier, Mark!" He shrugs.

"We were literally freaking out because we heard nothing from you and you never responded to any of our messages.."

"Well, I'm here aren't I?" He smiles, nodding. Ken clears his throat and for the first time, I noticed a silver longbow resting across his back.

"So, Jack. How are you already at level ten?" I grin.

"Well, Ken, it comes with being a boss. If you're the bossiest of the boss then the creatures are terrified of you eventually giving you the xp and the gold for free." Everyone was grinning.

"Okay, Jack, whatever you say," Wade says rolling his eyes. I shrug.

"Honestly, It's not hard leveling up in this game. If you guys want, I can help you level up tomorrow when we get on." They nod.

"Sounds like a done deal," Mark says, staring at the table. I tap his shoulder and he looks up at me. "Hmm?"

"How do I log out?" Before he could respond, Felix answers for him.

"When you tap on your name, a list of different things pop up. Scroll through until you find the log out button." I did exactly that. I scroll to the very bottom and there was no logout button anywhere in sight.

"Uh..guys? I don't have a logout option on my list."

"What do you mean you don't have a logout button?" Mark asks. I sigh.

"There isn't a logout option anywhere on my list." Mark frowns and looks as if it is going through his list. His frown deepens.

"I don't have a logout button now either and it was there when I entered the game." All of the others also didn't have a log out option. I pale a little. Does that mean-

HELLO PLAYERS. A deep, British sounding voice that I didn't recognize booms throughout the restaurant. It wasn't the same voice that was telling me about the scans and stuff before I was spawned in a location before the game.

"Who are you?" I ask. The sound of chuckling was heard.


"Who are you!" I ask again a little louder.


What's up everybody, my name is katzombiegirl and I just wanted to start off by saying thank you to a great person who suggested the idea of Jack's septic guns. THANK YOU Kay! IT FITS WELL FOR WHAT I HAVE IN STORE FOR THIS STORY!! I also want to say thank you for actually reading my story so far. It actually means more than words could ever say. This is my first fan fic ever using youtubers and I hope a lot of them are your favorites as well because they are mine. Again thank you and happy reading!! Hugs for everyone- Kat

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