Chapter 9

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(Jack's P.O.V.)

So you're like a darker version of me?

"Yes," Anti responds, walking over to the edge of the bath tub and sat down on the edge. The only thing I could see was the floor and my hands because he was looking down.

So, I said slowly as realization washes over me. You were the green and black orb. Anti hides my face behind my hands.


So are you sent here to kill me?

"No." He sniffs, wiping away more black liquid. "I was created for sheer amusement to my creators."

What do you mean? I ask. My face still buried in my hands. Anti uncovers my face and stares at my hands which are equally pale.

"I don't want to talk about it." He says, voice full of grief. A knock on the door startles us.

"Jack?" A tired voice calls. Felix. "The rest of us would like to get a shower too."

"Just one second," I was surprised to find myself able to speak. I glance down at my hands. They were back to their normal shade of white and there was no black liquid on it from when Anti was wiping whatever it was out of my face. I hurry over to the mirror, no black and green eyes, no dark circles, no pale skin, I was just my normal self.

Sighing, I unlock the door and pushes pass Felix. I want to know more about Anti. How was he created? Who created him? Why was he actually created? I scratch my head as I entered our small room that we were all sharing. Everyone else was asleep except for Ken who was just staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey, Jack," he greets as I walk pass his bed.

"Hi," I respond, sitting down in the chair next to my bed considering Mark was still sleeping in my bed. I glance over to the dresser where different colored bottles were lined up neatly. "So what did you guys find?" Ken sighs, still not looking away from the ceiling.

"Nothing major, just some skimpy little potions that basically either heals wounds or treats a illness." I nod, looking away from the dresser and looked directly at Ken's figure. He wasn't as talkative today, then again nobody is.

"Are you alright, Ken? You seem kind of down." He sits up.

"I'm fine, honestly. I'm just waiting for the others to rest up. We are planning to beat Level Two today." I wince.

"Yeah, good luck." I said softly. He smiles.

"Thanks Jack, we'll come back." He gestures over towards Bob's sleeping figure. "We figured out that Bob, since he is a ranger, he can heal also. Not as much as Felix can, but enough to keep us alive." I shrug.

"I could always come with you guys," Ken shook his head.

"No," he says in a stern voice. But when he saw my face he adds in a softer voice, "Besides, I need you to do something for me. I need you to look around the town, see if you see anything out of the norm. I just have a bad feeling." I nod.

"Okay, I'll try my best." His smile returns once again.


By the time Felix was done with his shower, Ken's group was finally awake and were all chatting quietly as to not disturb Mark, who was still sleeping.

"So any tips, guys?" Wade asks nervously. Felix nods.

"Since Bob, you can heal, stay as far back from the battle as you can. Don't go too far back or you're healing won't work." Bob nods.

"So how far back will I need to be?" Felix shrugs.

"Trust me, you'll know when you're unable to heal from such a far distance. You're a ranger so you're skilled at just about any weapon, except for guns. So, unless you need to, don't engage in battle. Once you're fighting, you cannot heal anyone anymore until you break away from battle."

"Wade's probably going to be the main fighter in this battle," I piped up. "Since Ken is an archer and Bob's the ranger. So don't do anything stupid, Wade." Which caused soft laughter around the room Wade turns a little red. Someone mutters tiredly. We all look over at my bed to find Mark, sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

"What's going on?" He asks, still half-asleep. Before I could say anything, Wade pipes up.

"Ken, Bob and I are going to tackle Level Two." That seemed to wake him up.

" What? But-" Felix interups him.

"Mark, they'll be fine. Bob can also heal a little so they're going to be fine." Mark sighs, running a hand through his still dirt covered hair now looking at me.

"Hey, your wounds are gone!" Now everyone was looking at me. I shift uncomfortably under their glare.

Don't tell them about me. Anti hisses. I roll my eyes, in my head so I don't make everyone think I was rolling my eyes at them.

What the fuck do I say then!

Just say you went down stairs and a healer healed you. Just don't mention me whatsoever.

"Oh," I laugh weakly. "I went down to the bar before I got my shower to ask for some new sheets considering Mark here decided to fall asleep on my once nice and clean sheets. A NPC saw my wounds and offered to heal them, so I let them," I lied easily. They all nod, seeming to believe the lie easily. I hear Anti let out a sigh of relief.

Thanks, Jack. That was a close one.

I hate lying to them and you know it!

I don't think they'll kindly appreciate me like you did. Besides do you really want your friends to always shoot dirty looks at you? I sigh, he had a point.

A couple minutes later after everyone wished Ken's group good luck, they headed out. Mark stood up and stretched, announcing that he was going to go get a shower and leave. Felix was busy examining the bottles that Ken, Bob, and Wade brought back. I slowly walk towards the slightly open door that leads out to the hallway.

What if he turns around and sees me? Anti laughs.

Just tell him you're going for a walk. If he pesters you too much, I'll create a distraction. Ken gave you this job and frankly I'm rather curious as to see what he was talking about.

"Felix, I'm going for a walk!" I said, opening the door all the way.

"Where to?" He asks, looking back at me.


The bottle closest to Felix's elbow knocks over without Felix touching it. Anti's distraction. "För helvete," he curses, turning back to clean it up. By the time he was done cleaning the mess, I had already left.

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