Chapter 19

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Mornin beautifuls!!

I'm sorry for the semi-sad chapter I was listening to, in my opinion, a sad song. I'll post it along with this chapter. Again, sorry for the semi-sad chapter. Like I said, I was listening to a sad song while writing this chapter... Anyways, I hope you have a fabulous day and thank you for reading!!

Hugs for everyone!!

(Jack's P.O.V.)

It was the third night since Mark went missing. I growl, kicking a seraph in its chest. It screams as it flies backwards through the air. It explodes against the back wall.

Congratulations, you've beaten levels 87 & 88. I mumble under my breath, closing the box without a second thought. It was not a victorious win since Mark was still missing. I kick a rock before I sat down on a broken column from the fight. I glared up at the night sky, the stars winking back at me.

Jack, you need to sleep. Anti says sternly. Go back to the hotel and get some sleep.

We both know that I can't sleep. I mutter in my mind. Besides, what if Mark is on one of these levels?

Well, pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion won't solve anything, he snaps.

I'm not tired! I insist. That just added more fuel to Anti's fire.

Listen, and listen pretty fucking closely. You say that you're not exhausted but your body says a different story! You haven't slept in three days, so don't sit there and tell me you're not tired. I'm connected to your body as well, or have you forgotten? Tears threaten to fall down my face.

I need to find Mark.

Jack, Anti's tone was soft now. He probably realize that I was upset. A tear trails down my face. I bury my face in my hands, trying not to break down and cry.

I need to find him.

Jack, it's okay. Another tear joins the first one.

It's not okay and you know it! It's all my-

It's not your fault. Don't even say it's your fault because it isn't. Nobody knew that this was going to happen. A gentle breeze blows through my hair. Crickets chirp their sad melody.

What if I was awake, Anti? I could've done something. A sob escapes my lips. I could've done something!

We don't know that Jack. They could've killed you instead. Tears stream down my face.

It would've been better if they killed me instead! I could feel Anti's sadness mixed with my pain.

Don't say that, Jack, please. I sniff, letting another sob come out of my mouth.

It would've been better because everyone likes Mark! They don't care about me.

Of course they care about you, Jack.

No they don't! You saw how quick Felix was to point a finger at me for Mark's disappearance. I sob a little harder, the tears wouldn't stop pouring down my face.

That's Felix. Trust me Jack, he doesn't blame you one bit for Mark's disappearance, he's just confused. Besides, do you really think Mark would be any happier if it was the other way around. If he knew he was the one who was suppose to get kidnapped and you're dead because of him? I sniff, wiping my face on my black sleeve.

No. Knowing Mark, he would beat himself up. I stood up, staring at the sky as more tears stream down my face. Anti sighs softly. I felt something warm wrap itself around me. I glance around through blurry eyes. There was nothing around me. More tears. Anti was hugging me in my mind.

Jack, he says softly. We'll find Mark, I promise. Where ever he is, he isn't being hurt is he? I glance over at Mark's health bar that was in the party. It was still at 100%. We'll find him Jack.

"You know," I said out loud, wiping the tears off of my face. My voice hoarse from crying. "For someone who is suppose to be heartless, you really have a soft heart." I could feel him smile a little in my head.

Yeah, well, not a lot of shadow forms get lucky to be stuck in someone that has a big heart like you, Jack. I smile sadly, wiping the remaining tears away.

Let's just get back to the hotel, I already feel like such a big baby for crying. Anti chuckles.

You may think of yourself as a cry baby, but remember, everyone who bottles up their pain, has to let it out eventually.

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