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Louis sniffled as he stared at the television. He was so fucking done. He hated himself.

Why couldn't he stay away from Harry? It wasn't fair.

He wanted Harry and it wasn't fair.

Luke stepped into Louis's room, frowning when he saw the boy. "Come on, babe. I know you're sad but you need to get to work."

Louis nodded and stood, thankfully already dressed. He followed Luke out into the living room, rubbing his eyes.

"Have a good day," Luke mumbled, wrapping his arms around Louis and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I'll be here when you get back."

"I thought you were going out with Jesy."

"No. I told her we can stay here with you and watch a movie but she got pissed off and left so I suppose it's just me and you tonight."

"You didn't have to cancel," Louis said softly and Luke shrugged.

"It's fine, babe. You're my friend and I want to be here. We can just chill out and watch movies. Let's forget about that dirt bag, yeah?"

Louis giggled a bit, covering his mouth with his hand as Luke finally broke apart from him. "Thanks, Luke. You're such a good friend, honest."

Luke smiled, blue eyes fond. "No problem, Lou. Have fun at work."

Louis smiled and waved as he grabbed his keys and phone, leaving the apartment. As soon as he passed Harry's door, it opened. Louis's eyes widened as he was pushed over.

"Shit, sorry." Thick, tan hands grasped his and pulled him up. "Maybe you should watch where you're going."

Louis scowled. "What are you doing here?"

Ashton raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips. "You're asking me why I was in Harry's apartment?" He snickered a bit. "Thought you were smarter than that."

Louis gulped a bit, backing away. "You... No, you were not. You... He wouldn't. He's trying to get me back."

"Face it, Louis. Harry is not willing to settle down right now. He just wants you for sex and that's it. But now he's got a new baby boy." Ashton tapped Louis's jaw with a big smirk on his lips. "P.S., it's me."

Louis blinked before he pulled his hand back and slapped Ashton right across the face.

"You're a desperate slut," Louis snapped.

"And you're a pining bitch," Ashton growled as Harry stepped into the hall.

Fucking great.

"What's going on?" He asked before catching sight of Louis. "Oh. Louis? Were you coming over?"

"Good thing I didn't so that I didn't catch you two fucking, huh?" Louis hissed, pushing past them and towards the elevator.

Harry's eyes widened and he glared at Ashton before following after Louis. "Lou! Wait, please."

Louis pressed for the lobby and Harry just made it inside, only him and Louis. "Louis, we didn't-"

"Oh, please," Louis snapped. "Stop being a fucking liar. I knew you were too much of a whore to be legit about a relationship. You and Ashton belong together."

Harry's face reddened. "You said yourself that it would never happen!"

"So you fuck Ashton again and then lie about it!?"

"He came onto me! You said you didn't want anything to do with me-"

"You are such a dick!" Harry was the next victim of Louis's hand across his face. "Get out of my life, Harry. I'm done with you. I wish we hadn't ever met."

Louis left the elevator and didn't look back.


"And he just fucking stares at me like I'm stupid!" Louis finished, crossing his arms. "What a dick!"

"So he slept with Ashton again?" Liam asked, arm wrapped around Niall's shoulders.

Louis sighed, rubbing his fingers through Luke's hair as the boy's head was in his lap. "Yes! And to think, I was considering asking him to start over."

Luke snorted. "Were you?"

"I had mixed feelings," Louis murmured. "I hate myself for falling in love."

"You can find so much better," Niall said softly. "He treated you badly, Lou."

"He just wanted someone to call him 'Daddy'," Louis grumbled. "I enjoyed it, too. I just... I wanted more. I could still give him that-"

"Can you please stop talking about that?" Luke whined. "I hate relationships. Fuck everyone."

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" Liam said with a laugh.

"Not anymore," Luke said with a roll of his eyes. "She said she's tired of me."

"I thought you guys were so in love," Louis said with a laugh.

"Nah," Luke replied.

They continued talking for a while until Liam and Niall left, Louis sighing after the door was shut. "What have I done to deserve this?"

"Nothing," Luke said firmly. "Harry is an ass. Don't go back to him, Louis. Niall's right. You deserve more."

Louis smiled down at the boy. "Yeah. He is right."

Louis pressed his lips to Luke's. The younger would say he was surprised, but he'd been lying. He'd been expecting one of them to make a move by the end of the night.

His hand cupped Louis's jaw as they kissed, a soft smile on his lips when they pulled away. Louis giggled.

"Come on," Luke mumbled, standing with Louis in his arms. "Let's get to bed."


Two more weeks passed. Louis caught sight of Ashton a lot and he thought the boy probably lived with Harry now.

Louis didn't care. He was happy now. Him and Luke were officially together, Jesy was friendly about it, Niall asked Louis to be his 'bridesmaid' as a joke since Niall was the 'wife', and Louis was overall just happy. Sure, Harry was no longer his 'Daddy' and Louis still had feelings for the lad, but he didn't let those feelings stop him from being with Luke and being a better person overall.

Louis was happy.

Or at least that's what he told himself.


Oh god one chapter left guys

What do you think will happen?

Are ya mad at me for this turn out? I'm sorrrrrry. (Not)


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