2.2| The Cost of Hospitality

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If someone were to point out a single outstanding fault that Chell possessed, it would have been the fact that she easily gave too much of her trust towards those people who showed any kindness to her, regardless of whether she knew them or not. The dead had spoken to her countless of times in their cold and quiet whispers--before they had disappeared, of course--to be wary of people.

People lie, they reminded her in harsh tones. They are evil, cunning, selfish, and easily swayed.

Whenever Chell heard them say those words, she would always think that there must have been those few who weren't like that. At the very least, she once knew someone who was. But that person had been long gone now. Still, perhaps that small hope of goodness led her to believe that it was best to give people her trust rather than reject them. It reminded her that there was still enough of her humanity left for herself.

Careless, the ghosts used to whisper in warning tones. You are so careless, our Snow.

She knew this, of course. This was the main reason why she was willing enough to trust this stranger she had just met a mere few minutes ago. In this kind of situation where most would be wary and doubtful of, Chell had chosen to do the opposite. If the dead were still with her, she imagined them whispering in her ears at that moment, convincing her to turn back and leave him. She imagined the words they would tell her. Careful, our Snow. You must be careful. Protect yourself. Leave the boy.

"-Ah, little miss, watch out!"

A ringing voice warned her as someone grabbed onto her cloak, abruptly yanking her back to the path. Chell blinked a few times, regaining her senses. As she looked at the bustling cobbled street in front of her where people hustled on their own ways, she realized that she was currently in the kingdom of Uldard. A wagon rider was yelling something at her as he passed by, an angry look on his face. She then realized that if she had taken one more step, she would have been run over by his horses.

"Little miss, you should really watch where you're going," the voice chided. Chell spun around and faced Noct, escaping from his grasp yet again. She stepped back uncomfortably. The amount of contact they had was already more than Chell normally did in a month.

"Your head seems like it is in the clouds," Noct commented, a slight hint of humor in his voice. Chell shook her head.

He made a grin. "Well, just follow me. The inns aren't that far away from this part of the kingdom. Only a few more streets and we'll arrive! Just pay attention to where you're stepping next time, though. I wouldn't want you dead or injured before we arrive..." He laughed jokingly.

Chell was quiet for a moment before she decided to nod back. He nodded as well.

Noct turned down the path, leading her through the congestion of people. They walked at a moderate pace, him leading in front and Chell following close behind him. When she looked at Noct, she was taken aback by how much he seemed to belong to the scenery before her. His eyes shone brightly as he told Chell random facts about the kingdom while on their way: "Ah, did you know? Barry's Bread are the best in this town!" he said as he pointed to a breadshop filled with customers. "The Devina Festival starts one week from now. You should lengthen your stay. It's pretty fun!" he suggested. "Witch hunters flock the pubs, so it's best not to go near them. Their kind of people are pretty bad news." He shrugged. There was a dark look on his face. "Thieves are very cunning here in Uldard. You better watch out," he advised. "You're a very quiet girl, you know. Is this level of silence natural to you?" he asked as they passed over a low bridge, the rays of the midday sun casting glints on the water.

The Wandering Witch VOL. 1 - The Prelude Arc (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now