7.1| The Thief's Misfortune

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Noct was beginning to think that perhaps he had made the wrong decision yet again. That, maybe, the dead's wrath had been the better pick after all compared to the current situation that he had involved himself in. Either way, both choices still led to potential death, so it didn't really matter. The only question was which one he seemed to have a better chance of surviving. The answer was something he was still in the process of figuring out.

"—Kuh!" He grunted as he dodged to one side as another arrow narrowly whizzed past him, this time tearing through his shirt and nicking his arm. A sharp pain shot through him after moments. He prayed to every god he knew, hoping that the metallic blade wasn't poisoned. The cut immediately started dripping small rivulets of red blood, which Noct didn't have the chance to wipe away as he again quickly jumped to one side, rolling on his back. The dagger meister appeared from the edge of his vision and leapt towards him, wicked blades glinting as he slashed with quick, coordinated movements. Noct in turn defended with his own daggers and felt himself being forced backwards. Quick sparks lightened the darkened alley as their metals clashed together in a rapid dance of blades. The thief's face was strained. He had to use all of his concentration to avoid any major injuries, and he barely had any time to breathe without being interrupted. Any slight mistake, after all, could easily lead to a fatal injury. The biggest problem was the nimble dagger meister—Quann, he remembered, who was purposefully aiming for his vital points. Clealry, he knew what he was doing.

Slash. Jump. Roll. Dodge again.

So far, by some kind of miracle and perhaps a stroke of talent on his part, Noct had been able to hold out for this long after being forcefully separated from the witch. When he wanted to, he was a better-than-average fighter. Aided by his quick reflexes, the thief could beat almost any inexperienced person without requiring much of his effort. This was, after all, the reason why he was still able to continue his stealing even after all these years. It was not only because he was clever and careful and quick-witted. Even though Noct had never practiced before, he found it easy to wield his favorite weapon of choice: his daggers. The moment he had gotten them as a gift from the Pierrot, the blades had felt completely natural in his hands, as though they had become an extension of him. He could slash and throw them with ease, and his accuracy was good. Better than most, even. But even with those, Noct knew it was only a matter of time before he would make a wrong move. His enemies were far more experienced, far more used to fighting. Despite everything, he was simply just a thief after all.

So find a way to end this like a thief, then. Be resourceful. Be cunning. You know this kingdom inside out. This is your only advantage.

Three more arrows rained from above and Noct was forced to dodge, missing them all by a hair's breadth. He bit his lower lip, steadying his gaze. He kept an eye for any attacks from above and simultaneously raised his guard as he defended himself while Quann continued his relentless assault. Again, they moved in a blur, weapons striking, blades vibrating sharply. He jumped as Quann made a low slash, then countered with a quick strike of his own. The enemy moved to defend, using his other blade as a shield. Noct grunted. He stepped away just as another arrow embedded close to his boot, this time quick enough to deliver a vertical slash to his elbow. He winced.

The thief was at an obvious disadvantage. Noct was already occupied enough while fighting toe to toe with the dagger meister, but there was also the archer from overhead to worry about. Because of the thief's speed at dodging, all he had acquired from the arrows so far were slight scratches and his recent flesh wound, but it was only a matter of time before an arrow hit its true mark.

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