His Final Farewell (2)

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It's been 3 weeks after that trip to the shopping district.Eversince that day,Lorraine kept bugging me on what happened that day.I suppose Jake already told her and just wants my side of the story but,hey.What's the point in telling her the same story?

Jake,on the other hand,stopped hanging out with us.Whenever we would go to some place for enjoyment,like the shopping district AGAIN (well,Lorraine should repay me after cancelling our long-planned and awaited visit there) and other places.Whenever spending is involved,he backs out. Is he saving or something? Did he want to get Stella another gift? Oh well. Either way it's none of my business. Better not stick my nose in it.




The day I get a year older.

Nothing special,right? Unfortunately,if a particular SOMEONE gives me a gift,IT is,a special day.

I came to school the usual time.Not late,not early either.

Usual routine before leaving the house.

Usual hairstyle. Everything,the usual.

Except for one thing..

There were a lot of people in our street this morning. Considering that I will be late if I stick my nose in it, I just left and decided to just ask some people when I get home.


I was passing by the school corridors when I heard a strange noise. It was coming from the girl's comfort room.There was a commotion there,and I couldn't see well due to the crowding of too many people.

I was about to leave when-


..followed by a continuous number of sobs..and sneezes,and screams.

"Lydia?" I asked,finally able to get to the center of the crowding people.

She stopped sobbing for a while,then struck an evil glare at me.

"And what do you want?! You have it all! ALL OF IT!?"

..And after that,ALL of the girls that were there were staring at me.

"Ooooooookay.. Uhm... See ya!"

I quickly scampered away from there. What a lovely way to say 'Happy Birthday, Ella!' Who knows WHAT is happening there.

From the ladies' comfort room until the corridor, all EYES were looking at me. I didn't know why,whether I'm really THAT hideous to grab attention,or something weird is on my face. Either way,I don't like this.

I wasn't thinking,but I just felt like running out of there and go to my classroom. Hopefully even my classmates WON'T look at me like that. And, there's Jake and Lorraine to back me up.

I just kept running with my eyes closed when-


Speaking of Jake,I actually bumped into him,which made my books topple on the floor.

"Oh.OH! Gosh, I am SO sorry I wasn't looking."

"Nah.It's fine. :)" AGAIN with that mesmerizing smile. AAAAAAHHHH... <3

"So,what're you doing outside? Class is about to start."

"Waiting for you."

"Oh.Okay. Wait,WHAT?!"


"Nothing. Hey,do you know what happened to Lydia?"

"Haven't got a clue."

His Final FarewellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon