His Final Farewell (3)

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I ran to my room to answer the phone.

It was Lorraine.

"Hi Lorraine!".


"Hey,what's the matter? Why so sad? It's your sister SLASH bestfriend SLASH twin soul's birthday! You should be happy!"

"Yes, Ella. I am very greatfully stupendously happy for you. But, there's just one thing you need to know."

"Oh yeah,about know stuff,I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh,sure, Go ahead, After that,let me talk."

"Hm! Sure. Uh, hey. Do you know anything about what's happened here in our street? Since you make an effort to always pass by here so bustling early in the morning, you should have seen that 'commotion' here this morning, right?"

"Oh Ella.. About that.."


"That's what I wanted to tell you."

"What? Go along then! Oh, and Jake said you need to tell me something.."



"... *sobs*

"Lorraine! Hey! Are you okay?!! Why are you crying?!"

"Ella..please..bare with me.."

"Lorraine, I--"

"Once I start explaining, please don't interrupt me. And please. Try to be as calm as possible. Don't get too shocked. Gather all your courage. And listen...to me.."

I was getting a bit nervous. I was trembling.


The commotion you saw this morning,it was Jake. Lydia crying this morning? It was Jake. And.. me,telling you this, is Jake."

"What the--? What are you saying?! I am not getting a word you are saying!"

"Ella..please..stay calm.."

"I'm starting to get scared,Lorraine. WHAT HAPPENED TO JAKE?!"

I heard her give a loud sigh, and I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"Remember the book at the library? Jake had a letter in there. I don't know how it got there, but since it was my book, I took it with it. I read the letter and found out a nice secret, and I am not the right person to tell you this..I'm sorry. When Jake was looking for it, I hid it in the library, fearing that you might find it before the right time comes. That right time was the day you two will go to Market Street together. He told me you wanted a necklace so badly,but it's so expensive and--"

"Yeah, he was gonna give it to his girlfriend.."


"Yeah. Stella."


"What's so funny?!"

"Are you that much of a blockhead, Ella?"

"What do you mean?!"

"Stella. S-T-ELLA. It's you. Stella is you, Ella. I thought it was an obvious pen name, but knowing you are such a block head, you wouldn't notice. Now, back to my story. He said you suddenly said that only Chris could buy it. Seeing that majority of the ladies at school LIKE Chris, he thought you like him as well. Since that necklace is the only one that can prove that he can level with Chris, he saved up on it. That's why he isn't coming along with us whenever we're going out. He managed to buy it yesterday. He even rented a tuxedo and bought flowers."

"Wait. For what?"

"For you,Ella. For you."


"He wanted to be the first one to greet you AND give you a gift that you'll never forget. So yesterday, or should I say, TODAY, at nearly 12 am, he went to your house with the necklace in his hand and flowers on the other. Unfortunately.."

"Unfortunately what? WHAT?!"

"Seeing that it was an expensive necklace, it shimmered in the darkness of the night. Someone must have seen him buy it in the shopping district and followed him to wherever he was going. I'm sorry to what I'm about to say, Ella."

"What?! What happened to him?!" I cried again. Continuously, this time.

"The 'someone' had a gun with him. He asked for the necklace, and if he doesn't he'll shoot Jake. Jake didn't give it to him no matter what, and they fought for it. In the end, Jake succesfully let the gun fire to the robber's heart, but in the end.."


"..The burglar still had strength left, and managed to get his gun and fire it to Jake,as well."

I was speechless. I was crying my heart and eyes out.

This can't be.


I won't allow this.

Jake was with me the whole night.

He hugged me.

He kissed me.

But why?


" True love never dies, Ella. I suppose he wouldn't leave without giving you a proper goodbye. His final farewell..."


"Open the note now, Ella. I guess I should give you some alone time. Happy birthday, Ella. I love you, Girl."


I tremblingly  reached for my pocket to find a note neatly folded. As I opened it, something fell from it.

The necklace.


I suppose it's time I told you this. I love you. I always have and always will. I know letters are old fashioned but.. it's the only way I know how. I know there are other guys out there who are a lot better than me,but I just want my feelings to reach you.Thank you for everything, Ella Carter. I'm sorry if I ever made you sad or cry.

I may not be the first one to greet you, but I want to atleast be the last.

I hope you like your gift.

Happy Birthday

and I love you.

-Jake Sanders

After reading the letter, I heard pebbles being thrown at my window.


He was smiling.


Wearing a black tux with a red stain in the left part of his chest.

I waved back, and smiled along with tears.

After that,he faded away.

Giving me,

His Final Farewell..

His Final FarewellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon