His Final Farewell

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His Final Farewell

by: Es



"I'm coming..I'm coming.."

We were bound to visit the Market Street today,but it seems that my best friend Lorraine here will be delaying us for a few hours,AGAIN.

"Just what is it that's in this library that you couldn't find? Like,hello,what are manual books for???"

"That IS the problem,Miss Unpatient Ella.It doesn't belong here.It's mine."

"What is YOUR book doing here?"

"I hid it."

"And whyyyyyy?"

"I was hiding it from J-"

"Hiding it from J???"

"From me." said someone smoothly.

A voice suddenly spoke behind us while we were raiding the bookshelves. It startled both of us,but I wasn't very surprised like Lorraine.The voice is...familliar.

"From him." Lorraine calmly said.

"And what would Jake WANT from that book?"

"Well,Ella,you see,Lorraine here accidentally told me that you two were going out today.And I want to come along."

"Well,of course you can come!But what does that book have to do with this?"

"O-Oh! N-nothing,Ella!Nothing!" said Lorraine,shaking.

"Y-yes..nothing,actually." agreed Jake,stammering. What is with these two?

"Are you guys...hiding something from me?"

"NO!" they said in unison.

"Oooooooookaaaaaaaay..I guess I'll believe that,considering that you are both my bestfriends."

They were breathing as if "in relief" that I believed them. But I don't really,though. They really ARE hiding something from me.

"A-anyway,why don't you two go ahead first? I'm still going to look for my book here." Lorraine blurted out.

"What?! Lorraine, we've been planning this for weeks!"

"I'm sorry. You and Jake go along ahead. Hihi!" She was giggling. Wait, GIGGLING? Something is very fishy.

"Ugh. Well,okay. See ya around."

So I was stuck with Jake. It's kind of awkward,though. Shopping with a guy? Well, he doesn't even look like he knows anything about it.

We were about to leave a laughing Lorraine in the library when she suddenly called out-


... I turned red,but it quickly faded away.As for Lorraine's 'fest of giggles',I'll just ignore it for now. (-_-")

On the other hand..

"Hey,Jake,what's wrong with your face?Are you having a fever?"

No kidding.His face was so red.

"Are you..blushing?"

"N-no! No! I'm not! Just..ignore me."

"Well,if you say so."

These people are acting VERY odd today.Sheesh.

We rode the bus to the Market Street. This was the best shopping district in our place,but it's a bit far from our school.

Plus,we get dismissed from our classes around 5:30 pm or 6:00 pm,so it's really a rare chance for us to get here.And to think that Lorraine actually missed out this opportunity. (=_=)

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