Chapter Ten

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September 14, 2016

"Hey, Mike." I smile and sit next to him.

"Oh hey. Didn't see you there." He looks up from his phone.

I decided to go to the park today and Mike just happened to be here.

"Yeah. I could tell." I laugh.

A little boy then starts to run towards us.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look what I found!" He laughs and shows it to Mike.

Then I notice it's a bug.

I scream and jump up from the bench.

The little boy looks at me and laughs. His smile is almost identical to Mikes.

"Aidan go put that down." Mike laughs.

The little boy nods and runs over to where a tree was.

"Sorry." Mike blushes.

"So you're a dad?" I smile at the little boy that had the same features of Mike.

"Yeah. I wasn't expecting you to find out this way." He rubs his neck.

"He's so cute. Looks just like you." I smile.

"Thanks. I get that a lot." He smiles and watches Aidan closely.

"How old is he?" I remember him saying he was 18, the boy looks about 2 or 3.

"He's turning 3 at the end of November."

"So you had him when you were 15?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah. I thought My life was ruined but it was the exact opposite. Couldn't be anymore happier." He smiles even wider.

"So where's the mom?" Then I realized how many questions I'm asking. "I'm sorry. Don't answer that. I'm asking too much." I laugh.

"No no. I get it you're curious. But she died a couple months ago in a car wreck." He says looking down.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I apologize.

"It's fine." He smiles.

Aidan walks back to us.

"Hi I'm Aidan. I'm this many." He says holding up two fingers.

I laugh at him. "Hi. I'm Elena. I'm your daddy's friend." He smiles and sits next to me.

"Is there a baby in you?" He asks looking at my stomach.

"Aidan! Don't ever asks that, it's very rude." Mike scolds him.

"No. It's fine." I turn from Mike and face Aidan. "Actually yes. How'd you know?" I laugh.

"My mommy had a baby in her too. She told me it got there when God came to her in her sleep. Did that happen to you too?" He says.

"Yes. God blessed me just like he blessed your mommy." I smile and pinch his cheek.

"How far along are you?" Mike asked.

"4 months in two weeks." I smile.

I'm surprised he didn't notice my baby bump since I was wearing a tank top. It was very noticeable.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn to face the little boy.

"Play with me?" He smiles.

"Of course." I laugh. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the sand box. Mike follows us.

"Here. You take this and I'll take this." He says and hands me a toy truck.

After playing for about a hour my back start to hurt.

"Alright Aidan, I think it's time we should get home. Aunt Marisa will be at our house soon." Mike says and stands up.

I stand up with him.

"Yeah I better get home too. My mom doesn't know where I am." I laugh.

"Say bye bye to Elena." Mike says.

"Bye bye Elena." He smiles and leans over from Mike and kisses my cheek.

"Text me when you want to hang out." Mike says. I nod and wave bye.

Then I start back to my house.


"Oh my gosh Elena I didn't know where you were! I was so worried." Mom hugs me when I walk through the door.

"Calm down I was at the park with Mi-" I shut up right when I saw who was sitting on the couch.

"We need to talk." He says.

My mom back away from me and looks between us.

I walk up to my room with Blake following me.

I sit on my bed and he closes my door.

"Can you just please explain everything to me. I'm honestly really confused and I have been a wreck since we broke up. Please just tell me what happened." He sits next to me.

"Okay." I was slightly nervous. Especially because it is Hayes.

"So when I found out Hayes and Nash was leaving I had a really big break down because they were leaving and I just had these voices in my head telling me horrible things like they were going to forget me and stuff and so I just broke down." I paused for a second. "Hayes heard me crying I guess and he was trying to get into my room to help me but I wouldn't let him and I had both my doors locked so he couldn't get in. Well I heard something really bad and I screamed "shut up" and Hayes freaked out and somehow got in here. But while he was comforting me I had the urge to kiss him. I don't even know why because I don't have feelings for him and I never had. But I kissed him and then everything happened. The morning after I realized that I let Hayes take my virginty and I wouldn't be able to see him for a long time. And then stuff happened and my parents split up and I told Mickey about everything and then I missed my period and yeah. I'm really sorry Blake. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I hadn't noticed I had tears streaming down my face.

He sat there looking at the ground for a long time.

"Elena. I just want to say that I will never stop having feelings for you. When I came here I was hoping you didn't kiss first or lead him into it but you did. And I don't think I can forgive you for that." I nod my head and let more tears fall.

"But I'm giving you a second chance because I think that you really didn't mean it. And I know you didn't. So what do you say? Will you take my offer?" He asks.

I had to think about it for a while before I answered.

"I think..

cliff hanger ha. Honestly I hate cliff hangers but you know I didn't for fun


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