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I sat up in bed at the voice of my grandma calling me. No matter how many times I tell her my name is Lyric, and not Lee-Rick she'll never pronounce it right. I mean what did I expect from a grandma with a thick Portuguese accent.

I was going to be starting at my new school today. This summer my parents dropped a bomb on me and my sister and told us to pack up because we were moving to Sydney, Australia.

I was born in Portugal, but we moved to America when I was three to start a better life. San Diego, California to be exact. That was a great fourteen years of my life, but here I am now seventeen, and starting at a new school in a new country.

Sometimes I wish my parents didn't get so bored of living in one place because then I wouldn't have to leave my friends behind. I guess change is good though.

I crawled out of bed, and made my way over to my closet. I was the type to dress to impress, and the first days of school were definitely my forte.

I pulled out a pair of acid washed ripped jeans, and a flows white top with the shoulders cut out.

After throwing it on I did my hair and makeup, and grabbed a pair of strappy sandals. Heaven forbid I wear my shoes inside the house I would never hear the end of it from my parents, and grandma.

"LEE-" My grandma made it half way through yelling my name before she realized I walking into the kitchen.

"Oh you're here. Ta bom, there's some cereal on the table. CARMEN!" She said all of this without looking up from the dishes she was washing.
[Translation: That's good]

I sat down at the table, and started to pour my cereal when my older sister Carmen came running in to the kitchen.

This time my grandma look up from her dishes, "Ay you, slow down this isn't a soccer field."

"Sorry Vavó, but if I wanna make the soccer team at this new school I gotta stay in shape." Carmen explains while snatching an apple off the counter, and doing a lap around the table.

"You can keep in shape, but not in the house, and take off your shoes você não é um porco." She scoffed setting down her plate.
[Translation: You're not a pig]

Carmen sighed and kicked off her running shoes. "It's only the first day of school why are you already stressed about sports?" I asked her.

"Because I gotta make sure that everyone knows I'm the best soccer player so that I don't have any competition." She explained to me

I shrugged, "As long as it makes sense to you." I put my bowl in the sink, and kissed my grandma on the cheek.

"Bye Vavó."
[Translation: Grandma]

"Not yet," My grandma stopped me before I could make my escape. "It's the first day of September. You know what that means."

I sighed, "Coelho, coelho."

She smiled, "Good, now go get to school."

'Coelho' is Portuguese for 'rabbit'. One of my grandmas superstitions is that you have to say 'rabbit' twice on the first day of the month so you'll have good luck for the rest of the month.

It's completely crap in my opinion, she's all crazy about the superstitions so I mighty as well go along with it.

Our house was only a few blocks from my new school so I had no problem with walking there. I liked walking it gave me time to take in my surroundings.

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