t h r e e

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"Jinxed? Come on guys don't be ridiculous."

They both shook their heads at me.

"No he's actually jinxed." Michael looked at me with wide eyes.

"He has the worst luck. The last person that got near him ended up in a full body cast. The bad luck rubs off." Yuki added.

I rolled my eyes at them. "You guys can't be serious."

They shook their heads at me. "We're dead serious." Yuki reassured me.

"It's best if you just stay away from him. We wouldn't want any of that bad luck to rub off." Michael warned.

They were sounding worse than my grandma, and that was saying something.

I started to stand again despite their greatest efforts to stop me, "No jinx is going to stop me from being nice."

I jogged over to where Calum was sprawled out on the floor. I'd watched as I made my over as he tried to stand up on his own, but slipped again. There was a wet floor sign lying on the ground only centimetres away so I could see why he was struggling.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I helped him back to his feet careful not to slip myself.

He nodded. "Yeah I just didn't see that wet floor sign. They really shouldn't just leave that out in the open someone else could trip over it."

I looked at him for a moment just blinking as I came to realization that the cause of his fall was the wet floor sign, and not the wet floor sign.

"Don't worry I think you're the only one that could ever trip over a wet floor sign."

He shrugged in agreement. "I was just going to buy my lunch do you wanna come with?"

"Sure, but only because I feel like you'll fall again, and you'll need help up."

"Don't worry I can handle myself" He scoffed. He began to turn on his heels in the direction of the food line, but mid turn his foot slipped on the wet floor.

He fell backwards into my arms. If I weren't there he would've smacked his head off the ground. He tilted his head back to look up at me. "Okay maybe I can't handle myself."

I snorted as I pushed him back to his feet. "Mhm that's what I thought." I mumbled to myself.

We managed to make it to the line without Calum falling again.

I stood behind him as he looked at the food choices. Once he grabbed what he wanted he went to wait behind some girl paying at the cash register.

"So Lyric tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

"I don't know I was just trying to make conversation." He admitted.

I smirked. "Well when you think of what you want to know then I'll tell you."

"We're being little secretive now aren't we." He joked.

"If you can think of something you want to know I'll tell you everything in Mr. H's class."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Why don't you just tell me–"

"Next." The lunch lady said waiting for us to step closer to the cash register.

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