chapter 1

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Hi, this is my second story that I am writing so... I hope you will like it. I will probably be slow with my updates because I'm still writing my 1st story still so... Yea... Hope you like it.


*Blaze's POV*

"Honey!!! Hurry up and get ready for your 1st day of your new high school!!! And try to look nice!!!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I whine silently and blink a few times so that I can see clearly then I look over at my black and red alarm clock to see that it says 6:15. I jump up when I see what time it is.

"Shit!" I say quietly so my mom doesn't hear me. I try not to remember what happened to me last night as I run over to my black and blue wooden dresser and open up my shirt drawer and grab the first shirt I touch and throw it on my bed then close my shirt drawer, then I open up my pants drawer and grab a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, and throw it on my bed then I close my pants drawer. I run over to my bed and take off my shirt that I wore to bed and grab my shirt that I picked out which happens to be a BVB t-shirt and put it on and then put on my ripped black skinny jeans. I ran to the bathroom and got my eyeliner and dark purple lipstick out. I put my eyeliner on thick then I do my lipstick. I do my hair to make it like its normal 'emo' form then I run back to my room and grabbed my black motorcycle boots and put them on then I grab my phone, put it in my pocket and run downstairs.

"What are you wearing?" My mom asks me looking at me with a face that clearly said what the heck all over it.

"Clothes." I say and grab my books and walk out the door and down the sidewalk toward my new school.

As I get closer to the school I see a lot of jocks and cheerleaders.

"Welcome to the next 3 years of hell" I say to myself slowing down as I get closer to the school.

Trying not to attract any attention I try to walk past the jocks and cheerleaders with my head down but of course it never fails. One of them had to notice me.

"Hey look it's another Emo fagg." Said on of the jocks as he got down off of the tailgate of a blue truck and walked toward me. I kept me head down trying to avoid him. He pushed me and I fell to the ground hard and dropped my books. The jock started to laugh. "Awe. Are you okay...." The jock said sarcastically with a pouty face then kicked me in the ribs. My vision started to get blurry. Next thing I see is a figure goes up to the jock and punches him apparently really hard because the jock is now on the ground but my vision is getting very blurry. Next thing I know I'm getting picked up bridal style and getting carried to who knows where. That's when I black out.

*Blades POV*

I'm walking toward the school when I see a girl wearing a BVB shirt, ripped black skinny jeans and black motorcycle boots get pushed down by Jake the lead quarterback on the football team.

"Awe are you ok" he says sarcastically with a sad face then kicks her in the ribs.

"Leave her alone" I say running over to him pushing him back and punching him in the jaw knocking him over not realizing how hard I punched him. I grabbed her books and put them in my booking then flung my bag back on my shoulder then knelt down and noticed that she is almost blacked out so I pick her up bridal style and carry her over to the side of the school to my tree that I always hang out at in the morning and at lunch. I set her down lightly and sit her back up against the tree so she it sitting up right. I shake her lightly so she will wake up.

"W-what?... W-what happened?..." When she saw me she backed up like she thought I was going to hurt her or something.

"Shhhhh..... It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. You were getting beat up by the lead quarterback of the football team and I pretty much saved you. What's your name?" I say backing up a little to give her some space.

"B-blaze" She said softly.

"I'm Blade" I said smiling. She is so pretty she has black hair and green and blue eyes. I thought to myself as I looked at her. When she noticed me staring at her, her cheeks turned red and she looked down at her lap.

"Your new here right?" I ask her and she nods her head yes.

"Would you like me to show you around?"

"Sure" she said quietly looking up at me. I helped her up and made sure she had her balance.

~~~~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~

"Cool. So it looks like we have all of our classes together.... Wait your in 10th grade?" I say.

"Yea" she says.

*Blaze's POV*

When I woke up from when I blacked out I saw someone so freaked out because I couldn't fully see who it was. But when I got my vision back I saw a really hot guy with longish black hair that was wearing an Asking Alexandria t-shirt, ripped black  jeans, combat boots, and band bracelets on.

~~~~~~~~~15 minutes later~~~~~~~~~

"Cool. It looks like we have all of our classes together... Wait your in 10th grade?" He says.

"Yea" I say and look down at my shoes.

"Cool. Now come with me" he says and grabs my hand and pulls me back outside over to where a group of other guys like him are.

"Hey Blade" says a guy with dark brown hair and pretty blue eyes and is wearing a PTV shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Who's the pretty young girl next to you?" Says a guy with black hair with blue ends and is wearing a BVB shirt and black skinny jeans on.

"This is Blaze. She's new here." Blaze said.

"Hey I'm Alex. This guy over here with the black and blue hair is Andy. The guy over there with the dark brown hair is Chris." Said a guy with black hair with green ends that is wearing a SWS shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Hi..." I said looking down at my shoes.

"So what classes do you have Blaze?" Said Andy.

"She has all of her classes with me." Blade said smiling.

"Cool" said Alex.

"You should come over to our house and hang out so we can get to know you better" said Chris.

"Wait... What do you mean 'to our house?" I asked.

"We'll have to explain that later but for now we need to get to class." Blade said and grabbed my arm and I winced slightly he realized and let go of my arm and grabbed my hand then dragged me to our first class I'm guessing...

The first class went by fast and now we were off to our elective class. We have art. I'm really excited about this class because I love art! The next 2 classes went by fast and now it's lunch. He pulls me to the line.

"What do you want?" Blade asks me as he grabs his food, sets it on his tray then looks at me.

"Ummmmmm.... I'll have the fries." I said and smiled.

"What else?" He asks me as he grabs it and puts it on the tray.

"Nothing" I say and smile at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yea. I'm sure." I say and take out my wallet that is attached to my pants by a chain. He holds out his hand motioning for me to stop. "Nope I'm paying." He says and I look down at my shoes. "Thank you..." I say and look up at him to see that he is looking at me smiling. As soon as we made eye contact, I looked down and blushed.

"Let's go." He said and picks up the tray with one hand and grabs my hand and takes me outside to the tree we were at when I woke up from when I blacked out.

"Why are we here?" I ask.

"This is where I eat lunch to avoid all the jocks." He says and looks at methane sits down and I sit down next to him. I eat my fries quickly and because we have an hour for lunch I decide to lean my back up against the tree and I fall asleep.

*Blade's POV*

I look over at blade and see that she as asleep. 'Awe she is so cute when she is asleep.' I think to myself and smile.

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