chapter 3

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We pull up to the house and I turn off the engine and grab her thighs and pull them around me and she wraps her arms around my neck so that I can give her a piggieback ride. I get up off the motorcycle and walk toward the house.

We walk to up to the front door and I have to get my keys out of my pocket so I let go of her right thigh and grab my keys and unlock the door.

*Blazes POV*

He unlocks the door and we walk in. The first thing I see is a huge TV.

"Wow..." I say and he laughs. "How did you save up the money to get that thing?"

"We do a lot of gigs for money" he says and sets me down lightly on the couch.

"What do you do?" I ask him.

"I play electric guitar and sing." He says and I smile. "Me too, I also can play viola and some piano, and drums. Oh and I write my own music" I say and he looks at me with a surprised look on his face.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yep, I have played and sang since I was 8" I say.

"Hold on" he says and walks in the other room then he comes back with a black and red electric guitar then sits next to me and hands me the guitar. "Can you do a song for me?" He asks me. "Sure... I guess but I'm really shy when I do this..." I say and look down at my lap.

"What song do you want me to do?" I ask him and slowly look up at him.

"The Morticians Daughter by BVB. Do you know that song?"

"Yea. Of course I do."I say and start to play.

"I open my lungs dear
I sing this song at funerals... no rush.
These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush.

A baby boy you've held so tightly,
This pain it visits almost nightly
Missing hotel beds, I feel your touch.

I will await dear,
a patience of eternity, my crush.
A universe so still.
No rust.
No dust will ever grow on this frame,
One million years, and I will say your name.
I love you more than I can ever scream.

We booked our flight those years ago,
I said I loved you as I left you.
Regrets still haunt my hollow head,
But I promised you that I will see you again, again.

I sit here and smile dear.
I smile because I think of you and I blush.

These bleeding hollow dials, this fuss.
A fuss is made of miles and travel
Roadways are but stones and gravel.
A bleeding heart can conquer every crush.

We booked our flight those years ago
You said you loved me as you left me.
Regrets still haunt your saddened head,
But I promised you that I will see you.

We booked our flight those years ago
I said I loved you as I left you
Regret's no longer in my head,
But I promised you and now I'm home again, again, again, I'm home again, again, again.

I'm home again." I finish the song and I smile.

"Your voice... Wow... Um... It's... Um... Amazing... Holy shit..." He says and I can feel my cheeks heat up.

"Thanks but I'm really not a good singer" I say and he laughs.

"Is that really what you think? Because from what I just heard, you sound crazy saying that you aren't a good singer." He says and smiles.

"Do u want to have a guitar battle? Just a small one tho." He asks me.

"Sure" I say then he gets up and goes into the other room then comes back with a black and white guitar.

"You go first" I say to him and he starts. He does a medium pace then I go even faster.

~~~~~~~~10 minutes later ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

"Phew... Damn girl you are good..." He says clearly worn out and sweating while I wasn't even breaking a sweat.

"Do the fastest you can go" he tells me. I start off slow then get faster every 5 seconds. When I get to my fastest I keep going and going. I tuned out the world so that I can concentrate. Then when I was done I stopped and looked around to see Alex, Andy, and Chris standing there with there mouths wide open. I look down when I feel my face start to get really hot so I was blushing. Great.

"Wow" Alex says as he stared at me.

"What else can u do?" Says Andy.

"Umm... I can play drums, piano, viola, I can sing, and I also write my own music..." I say as I look up at the boys. They all have there mouths wide open. Andy walks over to me and picks me up and spins me around and kisses me on my forehead."She is perfect" Andy says and sets me down.

"Sing us a song" says Alex.

"What song?" I say and look at him.

"Um.... Sing Disenchanted by MCR... Do you know that song?" Alex says and smiles at me.

"Yea. Of course I do. I love that song." I say and smile. "You guys might want to sit down" I say and laugh. After everyone is sitting down I start to sing.

~~~~~~~~~5 minutes later~~~~~~~~~

Everyone starts to clap and my face gets hot and I am blushing. "I should go and call my mom and tell her that I'm gonna stay over here for the night" I say and call her. After 2 rings she answers. "Hey mom. Imma stay over at my new friends house. Is that ok?" I say. "Yea whatever. Idc what you do" she says. "Thanks. Love you." I say. "Love you too. Bye." She says and hang up.  "Do u guys want to watch a movie?" Blade asks us after every one was done clapping. "Sure" I say and look up at him.

"What do u want to watch?" He says.

"What do u have?" I ask.

"All of our movies are in there" he says and points to a huge black wardrobe looking thing. I get up and walk over to it and open it.

"Holy shit..." I say. There are at least a thousand movies.

"What?" Chris says.

"You guys have a lot of movies" I say and look at him then at blade. Blade smiles at me and gets up and walks toward me and stands infront of me and look at the movies so I turn around and start to look at the movies too. We are looking through them when all of a sudden I see Anabelle. I grab the movie and turn to him and give it to him and he smiles.

"Good choice. Just don't tell the boys because they will say no." He says in my ear. Then walks over to what I'm guessing is the DVD player and puts in the movie and turns on the TV. When he is done he puts the DVD case behind the DVD player. He walks over to me and picks me up bridal style catching me off guard then he walks over to the couch and sits down and sets me on his lap. He starts the movie.

"Ugh!! Why?!" Alex says. I laugh and look at blade and he looks at me and laughs.


Hey guys it has been a while since I have updated. I haven't been updated my other story because I have had a lot of Shit happen and I could have gotten put into eastern state. (If you don't know what that is, it is a very secured mental hospital that you can't have anything. Not even a pencil or a phone.) If you want more info look it up. But my bf broke up with me over txt. It sucked. If anyone wants to talk just send me a message over wattpad and I'll do my best to reply. Please vote and comment. Thanks guys!

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