so this is just a random little story kinda thing
so my parents are divorced, they have been for almost 7 years. it was not super easy for little fetus me going back and forth between houses so i always brought a little stuffed animal with me (stg if someone makes fun of me i will punch you in the face)
recently my mom has not been very happy with what i am. i came out to her as bi, she said she's alright with it but bisexuality is just questioning and im not gay enough so i must be straight (um ok mom tell that to my hella bisexual ass). also im hella emo and it concerns her. i used to wear dresses and neon colors a lot but now i just wear black skinny jeans and and band shirts. she's banned me from all black though so my emo ass has to keep it down to a minimum.
anyway now that you know a little bit about the way my mom has been acting recently (she's really lovely though i swear just a lil nit picky)
this past weekend i went to my dads house and when i came back she pointed out that i forgot my old favorite stuffed animal. it made her a little upset but she said she realized i grew up. it's sappy but it made he very happy, she may be starting to realize that even though part of the way i am may be a phase i am growing up and she may be a little more excepting.
i hope you're all doing ok<3
i may post one more v important thing in a min