One--The Calamity Girl

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Chapter 1: The Calamity Girl


“LUCY, WHERE ARE YOU?” My mom yelled through the halls nearby at my room.

“I’m coming there! Just a sec…” I moaned sluggishly as I fell back on my rosy pink bed to sleep. Great, what time is it? 5:35?! Seriously?!

“Lucille Ann Palmero, get down here at once, or you’re in a big trouble!” She yelled again as she knock at the door of my room rapidly. God, she’s so annoying!

“Mom! It’s still early! Did you check on the clock?” I asked her, just trying to correct her. “Yes, and you’re late!”

“Ughhh…” I furiously rose from my bed and opened the door, “How could a person po-“ I stopped when I saw the time at wall clock behind her. Then I compared it to my alarm clock.

There’s only one person I want to KILL for this. And it's “DANNY!!!”


“But mom, I swear it was him!” I said as I hurriedly change my clothes. But she was only staring at me, crossing her arms and tapping her heels on the floor, “Uh-huh… and you’re accusing him for messing with your alarm clock." she said as I sensed doubtfulness in her voice.

"YES! I tried to tell you all about that, but you won't listen!" I yelled at her. "AUGHHH..." I screamed as I put on my dark blue knitted jacket, a pair of black jeans and sneakers. Then I reached my hand for my bag and then I walked a few steps towards the door.

"Where are you going?" She asked me, then I answered "Well, what does it looked like? I'm going to school!"

"But, what about your breakfast?" she asked me again."Mom, I'm already late! I don't have time for that!" I replied then I slammed the door and continue walking down the side street to look for the bus stop.

But then when I reach to that place, I started running fast when the bus just sped off down the street. "Wait, wait for me! S-Stop the bus!" I yelled  while chasing after it. "Please!"

Then I saw a few heads pop out from the bus's window one of them tried to mock me, "Oh, look, it's that klutz loser!"'

"Please guys! Help me!" I begged as I ran even faster, "Umm... sorry, girl but this bus is full, go wait for another bus in 10 hours! Haa!" They laughed as she high-fived with another girl.

Then suddenly I tripped on the rock and fell flat on the puddle

"Nice try, see you around in the school, loser!" their laughs echoed along the street as I watched the vehicle helplessly as it slowly disappeared after turning on the left side of the road.

My name is Lucille Ann Palmero, or widely known as the 'calamity girl'. I am 16 years old, a junior student in Saint Michael University. My nickname Lucy means lucky, but I was not blessed with luck for my entire life, until bad luck dealt me with a greater fate. Ironic, huh?

For five years, I've been living in a miserable life. My dad and my mom were divorced, four years ago, after that my dad remarried to a cougar. He lived in a luxurious life with his new filthy rich wife and their stepsons in their big mansion, while mom and I lived in a simple life.

I have an obnoxious big brother, his name is Daniello Jonathan. All the time he plants a prank on me, and my mom doesn't care about everything that I try to tell her just because he has our father's fleck in his eyes and complexion. Everytime my mom sees him, he reminds her of my dad whom she loved so much even though they were divorced.

I feel so neglected in my family or maybe just because I have neither paternal or maternal instinct. Even at school.... well, you could say that because of my clumsiness which made the life of other people worse, and they began blaming me everything.

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