Late Disgrace

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Simon, Selena, Fran, and Luna came flying down in the air. They were yelling until they hit the floor.
When Selena crashed on the floor she saw a shadow coming towards her.

"What the...?" Selena said.

She looked up. It was the lady who gave the test to her and her friends. The lady looked at her watch, and raised her eyebrow.

"Well, your a minute early...nice spell, no wizard has ever mastered it..." She said to Selena.

"I-Its you!?! What! Where's Connor?!?!" Selena cried, she looked around. But she only saw students coming back from the test. Everyone was here...everyone but Connor.

The bell rang.

"Well, then seems like we have...only 5 missing Wizards..." The lady said as she glanced at her watch.

"Wait! I'm here! Alive!" a random student said.

It was Connor!

Connor came to the lady, running. He stopped when he was in front of her. he was gasping for air.

"Your 10 Seconds LATE!" She said harshly at him.

"S-Sorry it's just that, it was-"

"It was NOTHING! You could've used a spell to come here early and have NO excuse!"


"Nothing! You were LATE! Now you have to talk to me in my office...a late Wizard is a dead Wizard..." The lady said.

She then started walking away to face the rest of the students. Connor closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. He felt hopeless.

Luna came to walk beside Connor. She put her hand on his shoulder. Connor looked at Luna.

"Sorry, we didnt mean to" Luna said.

Connor gave a smile and sighed.
"No, don't be sorry, it's my fault for being late, I wasn't fast enough to run in time "

Luna still had a worried expression on her face.

The lady took a glance at Connor, but she saw something else. Luna...

The lady called to Luna.
"What are you doing here? Get back to the dungeon!"

Luna looked down to her feet, she started to walk back, towards the dungeon. But that's when Connor stopped her, by putting his arm in front of her.

Connor gave a mean look to the lady. The lady gave him a mean glance.

"Luna...let me talk..." Connor said.

Luna took a few steps back from Connor and the lady.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said.

Connor crossed his arms.
"What do you think I'm doing?"

"Losing a wand!" She answered.

He shrugged "I'll take it..."

"Mr. Nightster! This is unbelievable behavior!"

"So...?" Connor said.

"Dont you even make me angry, you won't like me if I'm angry "

"Nobody likes you anyways" Connor said.

The lady paused,
" You and this werewolf will have a talk with the principal later!" She said, she then walked away.

Connor put his arms down and took a sigh.
"Well, that was close..." He said.

"T-Thanks for stepping up for me"
Luna said.

"Huh? Oh! No need to thank! I was just uh...I just didn't want to see you get thrown back into the dungeon again" He said.

Luna smiled.

Selena came towards them.
"So um..that was wild...I nearly forgot that I...OH NO! MY FAMILY!?! SIMON! HOW MUCH LONGER CAN I STAY?!!"

Simon looked at Selena and smiled.
"In your world this was only 5 minutes"

"WHAT?!?! 5 MINUTES!?!" Selena was shocked.

"yup! Each day your here is a minute in your world" Simon said.

"Whoa...How come you never told me that,the first day I came here?"

"I... forgot"

"Alrighty then..." Selena said.

"Connor, you can't just act like that, this can lead to consequences " Fran said

"I know, I know, but would you do the same?" He asked.

Fran just stood there and rolled her eyes.
"maaaaaaybe" She said.

Connor smirked.

"Well I guess I can go now bye" Selena said.

"Uh, yeah about that -Simon looked at Selena- your room was... temporary..." He said

"Well then, now I got no place to stay! Great!" Selena said, she was displeased to hear that.

" two can live at my place if you want?" Connor said.

"Really?" Selena just stood there.

She then hugged Connor

"Connor Thank You So Much! Your a Room Saver!"

"uh-yeah, ok -Connor backed away from Selena's hug- just...follow Fran" He said.

"Bye! You too Luna and Selena!" Fran took out her broom and flew away.

"Lets go, I too Luna" Connor said.

Luna was happy, she followed Connor. Selena and Simon followed him as well.

Selena's Quest Book #3Where stories live. Discover now