Chapter 12

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When I saw Jason with the one girl I was actually thinking about waiting to have sex with. I saw red. I hated that smug asshat. I could kill him. He's always trying to one up me on everything. Just because he's a fancy ass business man. Prick. I remember high school when he stole the one girl I actually cared for. Her name was Roxanne. I used to call her Roxy.

After her and I started to get closer she said I wasn't "mature" enough for her. You know what? Fuck her. Not like I can't find a girl better than her.

But once I walked in and saw him on her. I was about to murder someone. So what does my dumbass do?

Walk right up there.

I grabbed her arm and yanked her back. She seemed startled. And she looked up at me with wide eyes. I feel bad for scaring her like that. But I don't really want her to fall for his billshit.

That's right. He took Roxy's V-card and left her. Shallow. Ok. They makes me a hypocrite. I've done that a couple of times. But she was our best friend. You just, don't do that. That's why when he went off to work as a business man I followed my own path. Fuck him.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a suprised voice.

"Saving you," I replied. She looked confused then looked back to Jason who was glaring at me.

"Back off Axel. You have no right," He shot back.

"Why don't you do us all a favor and shut your fucking mouth, Jason," I growled.

He turned red. I could practically see steam. Hahaha. I love fighting. I'm so in the mood.

"What's going on?" She questioned.

"Nothing sweet cheeks. But I think it's time you got back to the hotel, don't you?" I asked in a nice yet demanding tone.

She looked up at and and slowly nodded her head.

Alright. Guess I win this round.

"I'll take you home,"


I looked up the the fucker and glared.
Hell no. Fuck that.

"Yes, please," She smiled. And they started to walk away.

Not gonna happen.

Uhhhh. Come on brain. Think!

"You know what, I think we should all just hangout and talk alittle more. Don't you think? I feel kinda bad just barging in and ruining your guys night. Drinks on me," I winked at her and she blushed.

Ok. Now what?

"Alright. Thanks, Axel," Jason smiled.

Don't punch him.

I smiled and walked towards the bar and they followed. I grabbed my wallet and paid for the beers.

"So, I haven't seen you in a while, Jason. Got any new cars?"

I knew he collected them and he always drove the super douche ones too. Ahaha. Dumbass.

"I did. Right now I'm driving my red Lamborghini." He said in a cocky tone. Fucker.

"Nice," I smiled.

"Well I have to use the restroom, be right back," I smiled and started to walk towards the bathroom but stopped short to look back. They weren't looking at me so I took off toward the exit and went to the parking lot.

Found the douche bags car. And I did something so stupid. I took out my pocket knife.

Stab. Stab.

Yep. Horrable idea. But I don't care.

I ran back inside and sat down.

This is going to be pricless.


That's it for awhile. Hope you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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