Oh No

17 1 0

Ashton - wait you know her ??

luke - Guuuuyyyyyssss shhheee isss playing us allllll 

Michael- No she is too innocent

Ashton - not with me she wasn't (with a smirk)

Calum - Paris what is he talking about 

Paris- I don't know what he is talking about is he drunk

Ashton - what the hell no I'm not drunk I'm telling the truth and what are you trying to hide do you two have a secret thing or something 

Paris / Calum - ew what no 

Calum-  ok everyone to my house ill explain there

                                                                                                   Paris P.V.O 

OH MY GOD my parents are going to be so mad  not just my parent but Calum the way he stared at me it as if he was going to kill me I'm so done when I get home. but i dont even cear i just can't stop thinking about the kiss I'm not going to say I'm in love with him because that's just not true I don't even know him, As I was in the car I was just looking after Sofia she was off her head as soon as we got home Calum grabbed my hand and pulled me aside 

Calum - look what you have done this is why I didnt want to tell anyone me had a twin sister look at how luke and Ashton are acting 

Paris - Calum seriously I really need to go, my friend, she needs me

Calum- you know mum and dad are going to hear about this

Paris -  Calum tell someone who cares because I really don't i have had enough of this crap you always say it is  to have a normal life but my life isn't normal I have to hide everything about me  most of my friends don't even know my parents because they are not allowed to know the real me the only one that knows how I feel is Sofia 

Calum- I I didn't know you felt like that 

Paris - whatever I'm so done with this shit 

that is when I walked away with Sofia into the house then I  went upstairs to my room and toke off her heels and laid her on my bed I went back downstairs and sat with the boys 

Calum- okay you guys this is going to sound weird but I and Paris are twins 

luke -what ?? but she  what??

Michael- I knew it I knew it because I saw the photos down the hallway of you and a little girl and you always said it was your cousin

Ashton - oh so you are not dating her 

Calum  - what don't you get about being her brother hahaha

(they all started laughing)

Calum- I have rules No hang out with my sister when I'm not around No comments on how looks  No getting with my sister AND No dating my sister

Michael- hahaha Ashton has already broken one of the rules haha

Calum stares at him 

Ashton -what i cant help it it wasn't just me you know it takes two 

luke - IIIIII don't knnowww.... if I can Folllllooooowww yoooouuurrr rules 

Calum -you going to have to now everyone can stay over don't want you guys driving 

                                                                           Ashton P.V.O

The boys all went off to bed as I went to grab my phone from  the lounge room I could see Paris I know Calum has rules but I just can't she is so hot I don't know how she is related to him i went up to her in the kitchen 

Ashton- Hey 

Paris jumped

Paris- Oh my god you scared the hell out of me (hitting Ashton lightly )

Ashton-  haha sorry didn't mean to

Paris-  its ok  

Ashton - are you tired 

Paris- no I was going to watch a movie you can join me 

Ashton -isn't that breaking your brothers rules 

Paris -does it really matter haha

Ashton -  I guess not 

                                                                         Paris P.V.O

We watched the conjuring I jumped so many times I cuddled into his chest  and I just couldn't take it anymore the movie was scaring so i got up 

Ashton - wait were you going he pushes me back down 

Paris - I guess nowhere now   


I had finally put in name to the twin sister and friend  didn't know what names to choose so i asked friends


more soon


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