chapter 2

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Alice's POV

I walked into the kitchen to ask Edward who was at the door to see something unexpected. Edward was standing over a basket with two newborn identical twins-Baby girls-on the table with a note in his hand reading it. 'Edward what is going on? What does the note say? Why didn't I see this coming?' I thought towards him knowing he can hear me. "I answered the door and they were left on the porch. Whoever left them also left this note" Edward stated handing me the note.


Dear reader,
I dont know who you are but I hope you are good people. Im leaving my children with you because I cannot take care of them. The only thing I request is you care for them and let them know their birth mother loved them and if when they are older and wish to see it the notes I left for them in their blankets. Isabella's the little one on the left and Hope is on the right. On the back of this note is a list of their schedule and the things they might be allergic to. Thank you dearly for taking care of my children.

"Wow" is the only thing I managed to say.

Allergic Reactions-- penicillin: air waves close- Breastmilk: digestive problems- peanut:air waves close- flu shots: swelling on arms and legs

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Allergic Reactions-
- penicillin: air waves close
- Breastmilk: digestive problems
- peanut:air waves close
- flu shots: swelling on arms and legs.
Edward's POV:

As soon as alice finished reading the note, little Isabella opened her eyes and looked around before her gaze landed on me. I continued to stare into those beautiful eyes until I heard voices from the forest.

"Why do I smell humans?" Rose asked.
Oh crap,how am I going to explain this to them? I looked to Alice and she shrugged. Great I'm On my own then.
"I don't know babe let's go check it out." Em responed to Rose and they ran up to the house. 'Don't worry Edward they will love them.' came Alice's thoughts. I smiled at her vision.

Rose's POV:

As Emmett, Jasper, Carsile, Esme, and I all made it to the forests edge we smelt human in our home.
"Why do I smell a human?" I ask Emmett. He shrugs,"I don't know babe let's go check it out" he answers. And with that we all run to the house. When we get inside we follow the scent of the humans to the kitchen. When we get there we see Alice and Edward both at the table staring at a basket with two adorable identical twins. As soon as I looked over I met eye contact with the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever laid eyes on. Before I was even aware of my actions I flew over and grabed the baby out of the basket and into my arms. She was just the cutest thing I ever saw. I looked up at Edward and he smiled. "That is Isabella and this is Hope." He says as he picks Hope up out of the basket.
'They are adorable and I hope we can keep them.' I think to Edward, he nods in agreement.

"Where did you find them?" Carsile asks.
"While you where hunting a knock came to the door and I answered it and they where on the porch with this." Edward responds handing Carsile a note. Carsile reads the note......skip note-read earlier in book..... I look over to Carsile with puppy dog eyes. "Can we keep them please! Please! Please!" I beg. I have always wanted a baby but being a vampire I never got the chance. Carsile looked to Esme who had a smile on her face and she nodded slightly.

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