A Wish

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   Berwald ended up having to carry the prince and the puppy in a desperate sprint as it had began to poor rain just as they came to the training grounds. They made it inside and Berwald rushed the two into the bath house. Tino and Hana now sat together in the tub as Berwald rubbed a warm wet cloth over their hair and fur.

"Ber after this can we go in the sauna?" Tino asked. "It'll be nice and warm and then we can dry off with out a chill, then there's no way we can get sick!"

Berwald nodded. "It's w'rm." he agreed.

"Are you gonna take a bath so you won't get sick?" Tino asked.

"I am fine." Berwald nodded.

"Will you go in the sauna with us? Is it okay for a dog to go in the sauna?" Tino questioned.

   Berwald was a bit exhausted and didn't notice how unimpressed his face looked. He went to answer the prince only to here a screech of terror then uncontrollable apologies.

"Is fine, pup can go to, I will as well." Berwald said trying to calm the prince.

"Don't scare me like that, I'm fragile." The prince whined.

'Cute.' Berwald smirked in his thoughts.

   Berwald stood up from kneeling and headed to the closet to grab two towels. He held one open for Tino to walk into. The prince aloud Berwald to dry his hair then hug the big white towel around his frail body. He held the warm towel close cuddling into its soft fabric. He then watched as Berwald pulled out Hana and quickly threw the towel over her drying her off before she could shake water everywhere. Even after he lifted the towel the puppy still shook.

   Berwald followed Tino threw the bath house to a wooden door that radiated heat. The prince went inside and hopped onto the wooden bench still cuddled in his towel. Berwald stayed outside and undressed tying Hana's towel around his waist. He walked in and stood in front of Tino. Tino's eyes widened a bit surprised. He hadn't gone in the sauna with Berwald before, and he had never seen him unclothed. For some reason he felt a blush heat up his cheeks.

"B-Ber, you are quite.... Handsome." He said awkwardly. "I mean not in a weird way! It's just that you are very tall, fit, you have nice abs, and curves, and strong arms and to anyone they would say the same, I mean I only have myself to compare and I'm a bit pudgy but that's normal since I don't exercise and I eat a lot of food since I am a prince and all and you need to be fit cause you are my guardian so you must be really strong, and you are!!"

   Berwald let another smile creep his face and Tino stopped blabbering.

"Why are you smiling Berwald?" He said a bit panicked.

"Cute." He said before sitting beside the prince.

"I'm not cute! I'm manly!" Tino whined.

   Berwald lifted a brow and the sandy haired boy huffed in frustration.

"I can be manly." He pouted.

   Hana hopped up into Tino's lap and let out a small bark. Tino smiled and pet the puppy forgetting his frustration. Berwald said nothing but lay his back against the hot wood sighing a long relaxed sigh.


   The next day Tino woke up extra early for the day. He had been in and out of sleep all night from the excitement. He had never been to a wishing well and he had so many wishes. He raced to his wardrobe quickly getting dressed. He then left the room walking himself to the stair case. When he got to the bottom he saw little Hana waiting for him.

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