| previous chapter |
He kisses him one more time before walking to the trash and draining the beer down the sink and throwing the bottle away. He looked to the porch and didn't see Jack. He walked over outside and saw Jack sitting in the corner crying. Mark walked over to him with his heart slowly breaking from seeing his boyfriend on the floor crying. "Baby what's wrong?" He sat down beside Jack rubbing his back holding him close. "W-Why are you still w-with me?" Jack looks up at Mark with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Why am I still with you? Well because your the most kindhearted person i've met. Your laugh is so adorable. You get my kid of humor. When I look into your eyes I swear I can always get lost in them. Your probably who still loves me after all the bullshit i've done. You always look so adorable no matter what is happening. I love you with all my heart and I would never want something to happen to you." He wipes away Jack's tears and kisses his forehead. "Is my princess ok now?" Mark asks resting his forehead on Jack's forehead. Jack giggles and nods his head holding Mark's hand. "Come on you need some sleep." He picks up Jack bridal style and walks him upstairs to there room lying him down on the bed. "Goodnight baby." Mark says kissing his forehead. He starts to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" Mark looks over to him. "Im going to turn off the tv and ill be right back." He walks out of the room closing the door behind him.
| current chapter |
Mark walks down the stairs into the kitchen. He grabs the little box from the top cupboard and sits on the counter admiring the box. He opens the box admiring the ring. On the outside of the ring it had Sean Fischbach engraved. "I really hope he says yes." He heard the bedroom door open and soft foot steps coming down the hallway. He quickly put away the ring and box and got off the counter. He saw Jack turn the corner covered with Mark's blanket with some dragging on the floor. "Say yes to what?" Jack asks walking over to Mark. "Nothing. Why are you out of bed?" Mark asked quickly changing the subject. "Because you were taking forever and I want cuddles." Mark laughs as Jack tries to make grabby hands, but fails as it looks like mini hands under the blanket. Mark walks over to Jack and pushes Jack's hair out of his face placing a kiss on his cheek. "Come on you need to sleep." He picks up Jack bridal style making Jack giggle and blush. "Your so adorable when you blush." Mark says looking down at Jack. He didn't say anything and just cuddled into Mark's chest. They got to there room and Mark set him down on the bed. He laid down next to Jack wrapping his arms around his waist. "I love you Sean." Jack turned around from Mark calling him by is actual name. "What?" Jack asked looking up at Mark. "I love you." He said again. "Never mind. I love you too." He closes his eyes cuddling into Mark's chest.
*next morning*
Jack woke up facing Mark with him still holding him. He smiled and kissed his cheek. Jack tried getting out of bed, but Mark holds onto him tightly. "Mark can you let go of me so I can go take a shower?" Mark opens his eyes still holding into him. "Fine." He lets go of Jack turning around going back to sleep. Before Jack left the bed he ruffled Mark's red hair then gets out of bed. He grabs briefs, a white shirt with black jeans and a towel. He walks into the bathroom closing and locking the door then turns on the shower. Mark opens his eyes again getting use to the light then grabbing his glasses and phone putting on his glasses. He sits up looking at the bathroom door making sure Jack doesn't walk out the door. He turns on his phone and opening his contacts. He scrolled down to Felix and started to text him.
M: Hey I need your help again.
F: You already got the ring what do you need now?
M: I don't know where or when I should do it
F: Come on your his boyfriend you should know
M: But your his best friend
F: Still
M: Come on I need some advice
F: Fine why don't you bring him to his favorite bakery and go on a walk after and on the walk why don't you propose while you guys are on the walk
M: This is exactly why I came to you for help thanks
F: Don't mention it
Mark turned off his phone and got changed quickly. He walked to the kitchen and got the small box and sat on the couch with the box in his back pocket. He heard Jack turn off the shower and soon walk down the stairs dressed. "You got out of bed fast." Jack says walking to the kitchen. "Well you woke me up so why not get up." Jack walks to the coffee maker and begins to make coffee. "No don't make coffee." Mark stands up looking at Jack. "Why? I want coffee." Jack says whining a little. "Because I want to spend the day outside with you." He walks over to Jack holding his hand. "What did you do?" Jack lets go of Mark's hand backing up a little. "I didn't do anything. I just want to spend time with you. Now do you want coffee or not?" Mark says putting his hands on his hips. "Hell yes I want coffee." Jack says loudly. "Then lets go." He grabs Jack's hand and his car keys and walks to the car. "So where exactly are we going?" Jack asks getting in the car. "To get coffee and spend the day with my cute little Jackaboy." He holds Jack's hand tightly then turning the car on.
Hoped you liked the story. Thank you for reading :)

Septiplier [✔️] COMPLETED
Fiksi Penggemar"Sir you can only come in if you family." The paramedics say holding Mark back. "I'm his boyfriend." Mark says getting into the ambulance. THERE IS DEPRESSION!! Currently editing