Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I run around the outside of the arena and stop at the opposite side. I run up the stairs in the stand and stop at the 18 row. I run straight to my mum and give her a big hug. " My baby girl, I've missed you so much. I can't believe you got the job" she yells as I let her go and give my dad a hug. My little brother hugs me but goes straight back to talking to Derek. He really like him and when we were visiting he never left his side. I go and hug Derek's parents Robert and Lin and sisters Tracy and Mel and grab Mels newest 5 week old baby. I give her a hug, " oh she is even cuter in person then in the photos you send us each day" I laugh as I go and see everyone else.

I then go to Derek and he smiles at me. I just run up to him and jump up and kiss him. " why didn't you tell me our families were coming" I whisper in his ear as we are walking to the gate to get Tucker. We walk back so I can get Tucker ready for my barrel race. I get back to the trailer and see that all our chairs have been placed out side and all our family members are sitting out the front. I take tucker to his pen and I tie him up. Cody comes over and just grabs a bush. " Can I help sis" he says as he looks at me " of course you can! Tucker has missed you so much." He smiles and brushes his neck as I take his saddle off so we can give him a rest before I ride latter. I leave him there so he can hang with tucker and I head back to the adults. I send the little kids to go find Cody and help brush Tucker. They run off and us adults just sit down and relax. The two families are talking away when Chloe starts to cry. " Ill just go feed her" Mel says as he gets up off her chair and walks into the trailer with Chloe in her arms.

I get up off my seat, " Im going to get tucker ready. I ride in 30 mins so I better get ready" i say as I'm walking to tuckers pen. I get there and the kids are all brushing him. " Aunty Amy, can we watch you ride?" Jack says as he comes and jumps into my arms. " Of corse you can, you guys can cheer me on" I reply. They all run off and go to the adults while I go and get Tuckers saddle and bridle. I tack Tucker up and he looks pretty handsome in his barrel saddle. I unite him and walk out the gate with him following behind. I take him to the trailer so I can go get my hat. " Can you please hold tucker for me?" I ask Derek as I hand him the reins. I run into the trailer and get my hat and run out. " Jack called me aunty Amy before" I chuckle to Derek as I take to reins off him. " Thats cute, hopeful the others call you that to" he says as he kisses my lips. I smilie and jump up onto tucker. Derek and everyone else walks to the stands and I walk Tucker over to the gates to enter the arena.

Ive been waiting now for half an hour and watched as every other competitor race. Im in my own thoughts when I hear the announcer say, " This afternoon ladies and gentle man is Amy Johnson's last competitive race for a while as she was asked to work for the biggest barrel racing company. We wish you the best and good luck, You can start when ever". I line tucker up in the gates and stare at the first barrel. " YAH" Tucker takes off and swiftly moves around the first barrel in a flash. Look over my shoulder and look at the second barrel. He moves perfectly around the barrel and heads straight for the last one. My heart is racing now as he turns around the barrel and is now racing through the home stretch. We make it past the line and the buzzer goes off. I throw my hat in the air and the crown goes wild. " Ladies and gentleman, this should be a memorable ride because today Amy has just won and with the time of 13.04 seconds. That is a arena record!" The announcer shouts. The crowd goes wild and I see my family and Derek's standing in the stands, shouting and cheering my name.

I take tucker of a run around the outside of the arena and the crowd cheers. " Good luck Amy we will all miss you", The announcer says as I take tucker outside the gate. I jump off and before my feet can touch the ground. Im in Derek's arms. He holds me bridle style and looks into my eyes. " Thats a ride to remember" He says as he gives me a kiss and puts me down. Our family just stand there and stare at us with the eyes that say "Thats so cute". I blush as he sets me down on the ground and he grabs my hand.

We walk back to the trailer and I put tucker away. " Can I untack tucker for you" Cody says as he comes into the pen. " Of coarse you can baby brother" I say as I kiss the top off his head and hand  him a brush so he can brush him when he is done. The other kids come running over so I give them a brush to. They run over to Cody laughing and giggling and he picks them both up and holds them while they brush Tucker. He loves little kids and wishes that I can have one soon so he can teach it how to rope. I smile and walk back to the trailer where the family is sitting out side talking. I sit down on the chair and relax. " Im heading to the chutes soon to meet with jess and the boys so I can get ready to ride" Derek says as he comes and sits next to me and holds my hand. I smile and I go back to talking with everyone else. Half an hour latter Derek stands up and says " Im leaving now. Ill see you all after I ride" with a nervous look on his face. We all stand up and i give him a kiss. Mel yells for the kids and Dad and Robert shake Derek's hand as he runs off the the arena. The kids come running over and jump onto Mel's husband Shane.

We all laugh as he falls backwards and the ids land straight onto of him.

We walk to the arena and find a seat. We have a great view because I get special seats because i am a  " relative " Of Derek's. " This is the bull riding ladies and gentleman and tonight we are saying our last goodbye to a great star bull rider, Derek Collins. Young Derek had many years of bull riding left until 2 years ago he had a terrible accident that left him with a head injury. As for his health and safety he has decided to quite bull riding and start up his own business in breeding bucking bulls. We wish this young man the best in life and good luck on your last ride." Derek stands up on a chute and the crowd goes wild. I look over at his mum and she has teary eyes. I give her a hug and the tears she was holding in all day have been let out. " I told him to stop before the accident happened but he never listens" she says as she wipes her eyes. We all stand up and cheer and he spots us and waves. I blow him a kiss and he announcer starts to announcer the next bull riders.

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