Chapter 4- No You Can't!

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Niall's POV-

I scramble back into the signing sitting down quickly knowing I'm quite late, mainly because I got so distracted by Kate's beauty.

"Dude why are you so late?" Zayn asks nudging me.

"I'll explain later." I state. "You can start now." I tell security and they nod letting in the next few girls rush through wanting to meet us. The day goes by pretty quickly now probably because I kept on dreaming about my new crush. Once we've finished for the day we leave unfortunately leaving many girls disappointed we go back to our hotel after grabbing some tea, I sit on the sofa next to Liam who is just finishing his coke.

"Who did you go to lunch with today?" He asks and I sigh dreamily remembering all the features replying in my mind over and over again. Next thing I know I see a hand wave in-front of my face creating me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry, what was the question again?" He laughs and shakes his head.

"Who were you with at lunch today?" He repeats.

"Oh her name was Kate, isn't she beautiful?" I question him.

"You've fallen hard!" He exclaims and I chuckle at him.

We begin talking about anything and everything, I tell him about lunch today at Nandos and what we talked about and everything. I love Liam because you can talk to him about anything and he will take it seriously but at the same time he can have a laugh. We get disturbed by one of the members of our management walking in with a newspaper in his hands.

"Niall can I speak to you a minute?" He asks and I nod getting up and following him into another room. We sit down and he passes me the newspaper that was once in his hands, I open it up looking at the front page seeing a picture of me and Kate laughing with big headlines 'Niall Horan in Love?'. How can this be printed so quickly? It only happened today! I then glance down at the date seeing this will be printed tomorrow. I sigh a put it down on the coffee table looking back up at Steve.

"I'm not going to lecture you about anything to do with what you think I'm going to." He begins. "I'm just going to say are you sure you trust her? Some girls can be a bit crazy."

"I'm positive." I answer. 

"Do you give us permission to check her Facebook and Twitter? We just want to make sure she is who she says she is."

"No you can't!" I shout getting angry. What kind of person hacks into someone's social networking sites just to check whether she can date me? I storm out slamming the door behind me, I bump into Louis and Harry as I storm down the hall, they stop me.

"Niall calm down." Louis speaks.

"What's wrong?" Harry questions and I take a deep breath calming down a bit. I shake my head and walk off leaving the clueless about why I'm acting like this. I just need some space. I leave the building and start pacing around the streets until I remember Kate giving me her address, I smile wide and take out the little note of paper. I unfold it and read the address seeing it's not that far away from where the signing was! I call for a taxi and climb in telling them the address, I just hope she doesn't mind me barging in like this but I just really want to see her again!


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and I will post next one which I'm about to write now :) 

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