Chapter 11- The Ring

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was really upset about The Jonas Brothers splitting up but I'm feeling happier now :) 


Louis' POV-

The next day after not a so good night's sleep I pick up magazine of the magazine stand at the hotel. I read the front headline 'Larry NOT real!' I smile to myself knowing whoever did this didn't win although there still may be some people out there who disagree but everything will change soon. After the situation I was in it made me realise I love Eleanor more than I thought and I'm sure I want to marry her so I will, I'm going to propose to her! I'm not sure when but I will talk to the boys about it first. I decide to go meet with some of the fans knowing they've seen me in the lobby, I talk to the security guard and they allow me to go out. I stroll through the door hearing screaming in response, I wave to them all and walk over to a group of girls who are crying and give them a hug making them cry even more. I smile and start a conversation of with them making them calm down a bit. I sign autographs and move on to another group. I probably spend 2 hours just talking and signing with the girls. After all they are the reason I am where I am, I'd hate to think what I would actually be doing if I never auditioned for X-Factor that day and decided another year. I don't like to think like that though because it is a bit depressing. I stroll back into my room seeing all the boys watching friends on TV, they glance up over at me as I sit next to Liam.

"I'm thinking about proposing to Eleanor." I come out and say. They all look at me again as if I'm not being serious but as soon as they don't see me laughing they know I am.

"Really?" Niall questions and I nod.

"I think we're ready." They all stand up and jump on me making me laugh as I'm being suffocated with hugs.

Liam promised me he could help me pick out the ring because I know he's got good taste in this kind of thing but then again Zayn has but I can't take them all otherwise that would be a bit suspicious for the press. We stroll into the shop and begin looking at all different kinds of rings then I see it glistening in the sunlight. I smile wide and walk to it Liam following.

"Are you sure that's the one?" He questions and I nod asking if we can see it. The man pulls it out and hands it to me, I look down at it very carefully seeing a very beautiful ring. I hand it to Liam and turn to him.

"Ask me to marry you." I say 


"Just do it." He sighs and looks at me.

"Louis William Tomlinson would you do the honour of  marrying me?"

"Wow." I say and we laugh.

"Is that definitely the one?" He asks again.

"I'm sure and no I won't marry you." He laughs and I hand it back to the man to put it in the case and hand me it back.

"That will be £12500." I pay for the expensive ring knowing my girl needs the best and place it in my pocket. I walk out with Liam and we head back to the hotel where Harry, Niall and Zayn are waiting, they rush to us and I pull out the box and open it revealing the ring which will symbolise my love for Eleanor.

"That's beautiful Louis." Niall comments and I smile handing the box to Harry to have a better look. I can't wait to ask her because I hopefully already know her answer.   


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