Chapter- 10- The interview

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Niall's POV-

I've heard what's happened today and I just don't believe anyone would be that horrible to do anything like that to someone. There are some horrible people in this world! Because of this we're off on a interview tonight not to talk about what we were going to talk about but to talk about this morning's headlines. If we ever catch whoever did this I will have some things to say to them and they won't be very nice. I put my shirt over my head pulling it down my torso so it fits properly and walk out going to meet the rest of the boys in Harry's dressing room, unfortunately Kate couldn't join me tonight, she's going to visit her parents or something. I take a seat next to Liam and they all greet me.

"Where's Lou?" I question noticing he's not here.

"Still getting ready, you should know by now he's always the last to finish." Zayn says and we all laugh a bit. I only took this long because I was eating while trying to get ready. After a couple of minutes Louis finally joins us and we get told we're on in 5 minutes. We spend the next 5 talking, well Zayn, Liam, Harry and I because Louis isn't saying anything, strange I know. You can tell he's truly upset about everything. We get told we're on so get up and talking the stroll onto stage to one of our songs, we take a seat in a certain order as told by some management.

"Hey boys." She greets and we greet back. We begin talking about random things, I'm surprised she hasn't brought up today's headlines yet because it is a big thing associated with One Direction.

"Am I aloud to ask you about today's headlines?" She questions turning to Harry and Louis who are sat next to each other.

"You can ask anything you want." Harry says. 

"Well are they true? Are we reading the truth?" She inquires and I look at Harry who will probably answer the question but to my surprise Louis answered it.

"No it isn't, someone framed us." He answers and everyone gasps making us laugh, I bet their thinking the same as I was. Who would do a thing like that.

"As much as I love Louis I don't want a relationship with him, he loves Eleanor and I can tell he's going to marry her one day." Harry expression leaving everyone in awe. We begin talking about what really happened and the fact that it was actually Eleanor and Harry's mum they were talking to when they supposedly said I love you to each other. We also explain the fact that they were just messing about in the dressing room, it's something they do quite a bit and I find it hilarious but to be honest what don't I find hilarious?

"So what can we look forward to in the upcoming months?" She asks changing the subject onto the band rather than just 2 members.

"We have a tour coming up soon, who's got tickets?" Liam says asking the crowd, they begin screaming and bragging they have tickets but also leaving some disappointed.  

"What else?" She questions.

"Well we're actually working on new music." I revealing and everyone cheers, our past 3 albums have been a big hit and we hope for this one to be as big. Nothing can beat what we have achieved over the years. Who thought just signing some papers on a audition to X-Factor would change your life this much. Especially being one of the biggest acts to come of the amazing show.


I want 7 comments since I struggled to get 10, I uploaded this at 9 since it's been a couple of weeks since I have uploaded.

Can you tell me what you love so much about this story so I don't change anything?

Thanks :D 

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