Rose wedding!!

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Chapter 9


I can't believe that it was our wedding day. I was wearing my wedding  gown and seeing my own batch of entourage.

I will runaway with you. Cause I've falling in love with you. Never gonna  stop falling in love with you.

The wedding song was in the air and I started walking the aisle with my  parents on my side. It was a white and pink a symbol of perfect balance of  friendship and love. Basically, we just reverse our position in Lissa and Christian's  wedding and Chris and Adrianne were my ring bearer and flower girl. The rest  was still the same. As we slowly approached Dmitri, my father whispered  something to him. I rolled my eyes. Knowing him he might whisper empty threats  to Dmitri

"Dad, it's my wedding! For goodness sake."

"No need to worry dear. I knew Belikov will understand. Right Belikov?"

"Yes, sir."

"You look great Rose, It's seems only yesterday when you are the one who  threaten Me.. said Christian. .But for what's it worth, I think you'll be a great wife  and mother"


The wedding went smoothly. No fire alarms, no children tantrums and no  any attacks. Thank God! Only one thing I look forward, Our honeymoon.

 I woke up leaning on Dmitri's chest feeling contented. Last night was  wonderful. I longed his presence by my side. Everything was seemed perfect.  Days and night passed and we decided to resume to our duty. Days were  normal no accidents and freak attacks until this very day.I walk with Lissa in court, she was about to meet the royal families for the  assembly. When she catches a glimpse of me she said.

"Rose do you lack sleep? You look pale. It's been days that you've been looking  like that. Do you have problems with Dmitri?"

"No, Liss, I'm just feeling tired and nauseous."

It's been actually two weeks after our honeymoon that I was feeling tired,  dizzy and nauseous but I don't care. I need to do my job well.

"Liss!" someone called. It was Adrian.

"You're going to the assembly?"


"I'll go with you then. Catching a glimpse of me" he asked

"You okay Rose?"


They walked together and I followed together with her royal guardians.  

Suddenly I stumbled. My vision dimmed slightly and I caught a hold of the wall. I  shrugged ignoring the dizziness. Hans walk over me, surprised to see him he  asked me if I was okay. I nodded and said 'fine' Lissa and Adrian caught a hold  my situation and rushed beside me.

"Rose, are you okay?" Lissa said and Adrian holds me upright.

"I'm fine. I think so" and all I saw was darkness.

What happened to Rose?

The Story of Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov 7 years after vampire academyWhere stories live. Discover now