Chris bday... Disaster

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Chapter 17 Rose 

 It’s Chris birthday today. More outside fun Yes! I asked Linda to pack our things and woke Dmitri. 

"Are you ready to go, Rose?" I heard Dmitri said. 

"Sure, would you bring the wheelchair?" please say no. 

"Of course" Fuck! 

All on my friends are there, my classmates in the academy, my old professors and many others. Chris birthday is like a reunion for us. I was happy until Stan came along. 

"Ahah! The brave and mighty Rose Hathaway is stuck on a wheelchair. Wow this is new!" Stan was my old professor who always likes to embarrass me in front of class. 

"You’re still alive?" I mocked him. I gave him a sharp look. 

"Don’t get me wrong Rose. I’m just joking; you and Belikov surely got your happy ending. As for me...." I followed his glance and was terribly shock. 

"Alberta?" I laughed. 

"Really Stan after all this years you haven’t made your move?."

"Shut up Hathaway! I’m still the senior here." he defensively said covering his embarrassment. 

"But despite all our bad experiences around each other, I think you’re the best student I ever had.." Wow! That left me stun by his words, never in my whole life I imagined Stan will say that words. 

"See you!" he said and wink. After Stan was gone, Jesse Zeklos approached. Great! My other mortal enemy, I really hate his guts. 

"Hey Rose! I can see that you and Dmitri ended up well. And wow you’re in a family way". he said staring at my lumped belly.

 In lieu of my case, everybody was acquainted that dhampir to dhampir can procreate. At first, everybody can’t believe it but seeing me as evidence they have no choice but to believe. 

"Yeah." I said can’t find any words to utter. 

"C’mon let’s eat" He pushed my wheelchair towards the buffet table. 

"Thanks, have you seen Dmitri?" 

"Maybe he’s around here somewhere. I’ll find him for you." he then departs. 

I can’t help to notice that everybody was so nice. Is it the judgement day? I laugh. 

 Everybody was acting weird lately; I stood up from the wheelchair and level myself to the buffet table. My stomach grumbled to see different kinds of food, pastas, chicken, pork, and of course glazed doughnuts. When I was done eating I took out my purse and look for my medication in my purse. 

"Shit!" I cursed realizing I left my medications at home. 

"Rose! Where do you think you’re going?" Dmitri’s voice ranged my ears as he sees me hurrying out; some of the guests are already looking at us intriguingly. I straight away went to my wheelchair and be seated. I smiled sweetly to him and said 

"I forgot my medicines at home." cowered said and bending my head down afraid of his fury. 

"What?" he cursed in Russian and led me to Lissa’s table and left me there. 

"Wait here. Don’t be stubborn.." I rolled my eyes. 

 "I saw that." he said and excused himself to others and picked up his phone. 

"Rose, what happened? Why is Dmitri so pissed off?" Lissa asked intriguingly. 

"I left my medication at home." I said feeling more and more guilty. 

The Story of Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov 7 years after vampire academyWhere stories live. Discover now