Being a teenager in this era is so stressful. So many people expect things from us.
They want us to be perfect but not too perfect
Hard working but not too optimistic
Independent with them holding our hands when they feel like.
I say they because it could be anyone for you minis (parent, adults, co workers)
My father is...nevermind.
They teach us what they want so when the difficult things come around they can't take the blame.
Gemini is so difficult Minis.
Jaxon and I are working so hard behind the scenes to simply stay together.It seems like adulthood is the most terrfying state ever when your whole life you've been taught what to be and you challenge that.
Never let anyone tell you you can't Minis. Work hard with us okay? We'll be great one day and we'll have you guys to thank because you've been here since the beginning.
~Pharaoh Lyn