Chapter 2: Befriends

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"You know him?" Snow white asked

Kyle pulled away from him, smiled while and heading back to her friends

"How?" Snow asked again

"He's my childhood friend" Kyle replied

"Anyways, what would be the problem, Queen delightful?" Doc asked

"Oh, i would like you meet the 7T! Dance, Abby, Timid, Miley, Red, Maddie and Kyle" Queen delightful said as she points at the girls, "And 7T, those are the 7D! Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey and Grumpy" She added

After some conservation, the 6D decided to tour the 6T around the town except for Kyle since she came here a long time ago

"Hey Kyle" Grumpy said

"Hmm?" Kyle said and glanced at him

"Would you like to meet my other friends?" He asked

"Who?" She asked

"Snow white and some few others" He replied

(A/N: I might put some few of my OCs here)

Grumpy went to the castle and called Snow, then he called some others by calling them on the tin can thing

They met each other near the cottage and set up a picnic blanket, they introduced themselves and talked for a while,

"So Kyle, i was wondering if we could be friends? Can we?" Snow said

"Sure!" Kyle said

"Oh um, can i call someone?" Snow said as she stood up

"Yes" Grumpy replied

Snow white went back to the castle and called Grim Gloom, she explained everything and he agreed

"Grumpy?" Kyle said

"Yes?" He asked

"Are you still...single?" Kyle asked and blushed

"Yep" He lied

Snow and Grim went to them, grim glared at grumpy and rolled his eyes a bit

"Wife stealer..." Grim mumbled

"Uh guys! Can you excuse us for a bit?" Grumpy said and dragged Grim along

"You better give my hildy-wildy back to me!" Grim exclaimed

"No! I love her and that is final!" Grumpy said, "You better not tell anyone about this! Understand?!"

"Fine!" Grim said and glanced at him, "Friends?" He added

"Friends" Grumpy said, "Someday, i'll give her back to you since this only happened a day ago" He added

"You mean you really don't know what happened? When the spell became permanent?" Grim asked

"What do you mean? And what spell?" Grumpy asked

"The Crystal Ball said that 'Stone effects are permanent in one kiss from a Guy and Girl, it seals their fate to be in love with each other forever'" Grim explained

"Stone? What stone?" He asked

"I don't remember what is was so i will ask the crystal ball soon" Grim said

Grumpy nodded and they headed back to the others, they were laughing and talking about something

"Then i saw him tripped and his face fall straight to the pie mom baked on that day" Kyle said and the others started to laugh again

"That looks funny Kyle, who was the guy?" Ryan asked

Kyle blushed and said dreamily, "Ken"

Grumpy frowned feeling a sting of jealousy and asked, "Who is he?"

"Well, he's my friend" Kyle replied while blushing so hard

"Friend or....Crush?" Snow asked while smirking, Leah, Ryan, Missy and Andrew smirked as well

"Guys, he's just a friend so stop smirking" Kyle said

"Sure..." Missy said and snickered

They continued talking until the skies are starting to darkened, they decided to be friends in two groups, First group is Snow white, Grim and Grumpy and the Second group is Kyle, Snow white, Leah, Missy, Grumpy, Andrew and Ryan

(A/N: 'Cause some adults(like the Glooms) plus teenagers(or younger ones) would be weird, right?)

Grumpy led Kyle back to the house of the 7T, but before entering....

"Thanks for hang out, Grumpy" Kyle said and smiled, her cheeks flushed red

"You're welcome" Grumpy said and blushed a bit

It was silent, the 6T might be sleeping already since they were tired, Grumpy and Kyle stood there while locking eyes with each other

And without noticing, Kyle moved her arms around his neck and Grumpy moved his arms around her waist, they didn't know that they were slowly leaning at each other, their lips were inches far until someone spoke

"Kyle, where you've-" Red interrupted but she closed her mouth and called the others

"What's going on?" Maddie whispered

Red pointed at the two and giggled silently, the others were giggling silently as well as they sneaked and spied at them

Grumpy and Kyle's lips were about to unite when Miley couldn't help it but to squeal excitedly like they were watching a romantic movie, they suddenly realized what were they doing and pulled away quickly

'Oh for cheeses sake, miley! You ruined it!' Kyle thought and glared at her

"Sorry! I guess i was fangirling to much!" Miley said while laughing nervously and the others glared

"I got to go" Grumpy said, "Bye Kyle!" He added and without some shyness, he leaned in and kissed her on her cheek then he walked away

Kyle froze as she stared at the ground, she touched her cheek and felt that it was warm then the 6T started teasing her

"Ooh! Someone's in love!" Red teased

"Grumpy the cheese king and Kyle the strawberry queen, PERFECT MATCH!" Maddie said

"Oh shut it!" Kyle said and went inside while blushing so hard

"Gee, just admit it! You're in LOVE!" Abby said

"Kyle is growing up!" Dance chimed in

"What do you think after the kiss?" Timid asked

"Did you enjoyed it?" Miley asked

Kyle blushed more and said, "Well look at the time, time for dinner! I'll go cook" then she went to the kitchen to cook

'If you only knew...' She thought as she smiled at herself

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