Chapter 1: She's back!

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It was night at the day of the wedding and everyone went home and as for the newly wed, they went to their new home(which the 7D built)

Grumpy carried Hildy bridal style while walking upstairs to their bedroom while Hildy couldn't help it but to giggle and once they reached their bedroom, Grumpy placed her on the bed

"Wait hon, i have to change my clothes" Hildy said and stood up to go to her closet and change her dress

"Say sweetheart, why don't we have some fun?" Grumpy said while smirking and removing his tux

"Let me get dress first" Hildy said while removing her clothes and putting a new one

"Hurry 'cause i'm excited for this" He said, "I'm just gonna pee..." He added and went to the bathroom

Hildy lays on the bed and waited for him

Grumpy went out only in his white shirt and boxers, he smirked and said "Ready?"

"Ready as i'll ever be" Hildy said and smiled deviously

Grumpy crawled on the bed and leaned in to her, he kissed her on the lips passionately and she kissed back, he then starts nibbling her neck

That's when they DID IT...

(A/N: WOAH! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!! Why? Cause i don't know how to describe that yet!)

They've been doing their thing by hours and hours until they stopped, Grumpy took a glance at their clock and saw it was 2 in the morning

'Huh? That was fast, at least i enjoyed' He thought and glanced at his exhausted wife who was now covered in blanket with him and already sleeping,

"I love you" He said and kissed her on the forehead and drifted off to sleep

(A/N: *glares* - Kyle)

He's already sleeping, want to pucker that lips of yours on his head, Kyle? Like a goodnight kissy?

(A/N: Soon...if it's time for me to show up - Kyle)'re going to show up when they wake up...

(A/N: 😄 YAAAAAAAAAY!!! - Kyle)

The next morning Grumpy was woken up by the sound of the bing bong bell, he stood up quickly and putted on his normal clothes, wrote a note for Hildy and left

The 6D was already at the castle waiting for Grumpy but he didn't show up yet for a certain girl was looking around for him

"Hey Doc, do you know where he is?" Asked Snow white

"Hmm, maybe he's eating cheese again" A girl with curly blonde hair said and chuckled

Snow white has a small crush on Grumpy but since he had a wife now, she still felt something for him

"Doc? Doc?" Happy said and waved his hands in front of the leader

Eventually, the main reason why the 7D were called because some guests came

The 7T

"She's cute!" Doc said out loud dreamily while staring at a girl with brown short hair

"Uh....are you preferring to me?" The girl said as she blushed

"Guess so...i think he likes you, Dance" A girl with a black hair in a ponytail with a purple headband said

And that's when Grumpy came rushing to them and said while panting,

"Sorry if i'm late i-"

"GRUMPY!" The curly blonde haired girl said and hugged him, "I missed you so much!"

"K-KYLE?!" Grumpy exclaimed and his eyes were wide

Cliffhanger! This is the same one that got lost and i'll make the cover soon!

And this story will have some few chapters only

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