Chapter 10: The Whole Truth

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I might make this chapter longer...

"Yes Emerald, it is i! Your own beloved long lost sister! Whom you ABANDONED a long time ago and STOLE my own DAUGHTER!" The woman said

Queen Delightful quickly glanced at Snow and turned back to her, "She is not yours, Evil Queen!" She exclaimed

"Mom, what is going on?" Snow asked as she goes near them

"S-snow, c-c-can i tell y-y-you something?" Queen Delightful stammered, "I'm not your real m-mother...she is..." She added

"What?" Snow asked as her tears starts watering

"I'm sorry, i just don't want you to be mad at me" Queen Delightful said and hugged her, "Please forgive me, my Snowy..." She added and Snow hugged back and they both sobbed

"Aww, how sad! Too bad, i might start attacking now!" The Evil Queen said

"You and what army?!" Queen Delightful asked angrily as she pulled away from Snow

The Evil Queen cackled evilly, "Oh Emerald, if you only knew..." She said, "I've got someone with me and they are here! Why don't you guys show up? I'm sure they will be surprised to see you! Grim!" She added

Grim stepped forward to them while smirking and stood beside the Evil Queen on the right

"Gothel! Hans!" The Evil Queen called

A woman with curly black hair and a guy with sideburns stepped forward and stood behind the Evil Queen

"Beauty and Angelica!" The Evil Queen called

(Like in Red's book! And they are both Red, Momay and Miley's enemies)

Two girls with a orange hair (Beauty) and golden hair (Angelica) in red dresses stepped forward and stood right next to the Evil Queen

"Last but not least..." The Evil Queen said and glanced at Kyle, "Kylindria" she added

The 6T, 6D, Khaycie and Momay gasped, "KYLE?!" They exclaimed as they stared at Kyle in shock

Kyle smirked evilly as she stared at them and went forward to the Evil Queen

"What's the meaning of this, Kyle?! Explain!" Dance demanded

"Heh, guess you can say that i agreed to them..." Kyle said

"B-b-b-but why?!" Miley asked, "Why did you turned your back on us?!"

"I did NOT turned back! It is all because of HIM!!!" Kyle yelled and pointed at Grumpy

"Me?! Why me?!" Grumpy asked

"Did you actually think i don't know ALL about you and HILDY?! That you two got married?! That you LIED to me?! To us?! That you just left me like a piece of trash?! That you never even noticed your own BEST FRIEND because of her?! Why did you even LIED to me when you can tell me the TRUTH anytime so i would believe you?!" Kyle shouted, her eyes glowing red

"Grumpy, is this true?" Khaycie asked as she glared at him

"I- guys listen!" Grumpy said, "I just don't want you to-" He got interrupted

"To what?! Not agreeing you being with her?! Yes 'cause we don't want you to be with a spoiled brat witch who HATES us!" Miley spat

Grumpy glanced at Kyle who was now crying, he went near her, "Kyle..." He started

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