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The late bell rang, signaling the teachers can start teaching and the students should have been there already.

The teacher wrote down on the board the lesson stating we were still on the serial killer talk, he turned around having a slight sad smile "I'm sure we all heard about Anastasia's death-"

"She was murdered, you're making it sound like she just died of old age. She was gruesomely murdered in her own house!" The girl in the front named Crystal best friends with Anastasia, tears springing in her eyes.

"Yes Anastasia was murdered last night, the police think it might be Sam Harrison. Since she had her phone in her pocket of her robe, showing very gruesome messages from him." The teacher replied as a knock came to the door, a student that was close to the door gets up and opens it, showing that it was the police with a sad look in their face "could we have a moment with the class." The policeman asked stating it more as a command than a question. The teacher nodded his head sitting down at his desk.

The policeman stood in front of the class "as we all heard by now Anastasia Lin was murdered last night, and tonight we would like everyone to recheck their locks tonight and Windows. We don't anyone else to be murdered. Yes this could have been a one time thing but we want to make sure you guys check and remember be safe" he smiles looking at the teacher "thank you." The man leaves shutting the door behind him. "I understand that some of us are taking Anastasia's murder more heartbreaking than others, but tonight will be a memorial for her, and I hope everyone goes." The teacher smiles sadly "alright lets continue our assignment. Serial killers" he tried to sound more enthusiastic about this but everyone was sad and no one could ignore that feeling that we had lost a young soul last night, and no one could save her.

Two boys in the back were whispering to each other, they both were jocks and couldn't help but smirk at the idea of Anastasia being killed, as the class continued to talk about the stupid topic they whispered to each other. "So we still on for tonight?" The short dark brown haired boy in the flannel asked looking at his friend, he was very handsome, and every girl wanted to have his arm around her to keep her safe and every guy wanted to be him. His name was Mark.

"Yup we are still on for tonight."  The other dark brown haired boy replies, his hair was curly and long, he didn't get most girls but he had a sick twisted mind that Mark needed for what was needed for tonight.

The bell then rings dismissing the class.

Vivian sits with her friends, talking the usual, Blake then mentions "so Vivian, anything happen when you walked home last night?" Vivian jumped as she was thinking of what the man said on the phone "what? Yeah nothing happened?" Blake looked like something happened as he then looks at Valerie "so Valerie you had something to tell us?"

"Well is the stage mine for my announcement?" She laughs looking at Blake, he jokingly bows moving away as she gets up from the table she was sitting on "I have found a girlfriend, and I'd like you guys to meet her, her name is Samantha"

Blake and Vivian sat together waiting for this girl to come out of the bushes or something, Vivian jumped from the sudden branch breaking and quickly looked around seeing a dirty blonde girl walking up to them, she smiled cutely "hey guys" Blake smiled at her and Vivian was distracted from her heart beating quickly, Valerie smiled happily walking over to Samantha, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Samantha I'd like you to meet Vivian and Blake." Blake smiles and waves at her and Vivian was thinking of hundred theories to why he called, and what he wanted, what he meant.

"Vivian?!" Blake shook her shoulder making her come out of her mind with wide-eyes "what?"  She rambled "oh nice to meet you Samantha" she looked up at Samantha smiling politely at her, then back down to her feet thinking. "Vivian are you okay?" Blake looked like something was up, which is true, something was up "I'm sorry I'm not trying to put the spotlight on me, but yesterday when I was walking home, I got a call from an unknown number. They knew my name, they said we were old friends. When I asked what their name was they said it's just getting started. They hung after that." Vivian was shaking, she was terrified. She didn't know who this person was or what they wanted to do with her. As anyone else would be she was scared and didn't like showing that fact.

"Vivian, that's something very serious, why didn't you call us. More importantly the police. You get a picture taken of you without your consent and then later on when you are walking home, you get an anonymous phone call saying it's just starting. Vivian you need to talk to the police." Vivian shakes her head "no I ain't bringing the police into this, it was probably a stupid prank." She shakes her laughing nervously as she knew this wasn't a prank.

This was real.

"I'm going home, you guys hang out." Blake then stood up shaking his head "no you aren't leaving without someone to take you home, I can't believe you sometimes, stop acting like you are emotionless. We know you are scared and we know that you want to present yourself like you aren't an emotional person but you are." Vivian started running away not caring about Blake, or Valerie, or Samantha.

*ring ring ring*
It was an unknown number, Vivian answered with a shaky voice


Hey Vivian, did you see what I made you?

I don't know what you are talking about?

As she walked inside her house, going upstairs to her room, she opened the door and dozens of pictures were all over the  walls and the floors. The photo was of her and Valerie, kissing.

Why are you doing this?!

Because like I said before Its just getting started


Valerie's POV

"Sorry about Vivian, she's got a lot on her plate right now" I say to Samantha, fixing my hair in the bathroom as Samantha was just brushing her teeth. "Oh it's fine, I could tell by walking over that something was up with her,  I just didn't think it was something serious like that" Samantha walked out of the bathroom into her bedroom smiling lightly as she sits on her bed "yeah I know. I didn't think it would get that bad like it did for her. She already has enough on her plate anyways." I reply going to the bed sitting next to her, "well where were we my dear?" Samantha giggled embarrassed. I then kiss her gently having a hand on her cheek as we kiss.

I push her onto the bed laying on top of her taking her shirt off and mine as well, we were both breathless at this point. Making out with Samantha takes a lot out of you (heh heh heh). We were both breathless as I took her shirt off and she took mine, I threw both of them to the ground, kissing her deeply biting her lip gently pulling her close to me as I start to unbutton her jeans pulling them down to her knees, I start kissing her neck pulling them down every time I would kiss down. 


"Sorry I gotta go, my mom called and she was pissed" Valerie smiled at Samantha as she got up and got her clothes on, kissing Samantha's cheek leaving after.

Samantha's POV

I sit in my room alone, impatiently waiting for a text from Valerie. I sat in the room alone thinking about everything as my phone rings signalling i had gotten a text. i stretch grabbing my phone and seeing a text with an image attached

*ring ring*

unknown number: look what i found ;)

i raise an eyebrow messaging back saying "who is this?"

unknown number: i am a friend of yours now, and i'm just looking out for a friend

i check the photo dropping my phone as i saw it, it was a photo of valerie and I having sex today, my phone then vibrated a new message from the unknown number

unknown number: maybe you should shut your curtains from now on ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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