Part 2

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"You too are living together?" Sam asked. Tommy had a similar shocked look.

"Sam, you know this woman?" Jane asked.

"She's our new teacher."

"It's not that easy, Sam." I told her.

"How is it not that easy? You're sleeping with our teacher."

"If everyone would have a seat in the living room, we'll explain." Becky suggested.

"This ought to be good." Tommy murmured.

"Why should I listen to you? We're not in school now." Sam snapped.

"Sam, if you want an explanation, I suggest you go in the living room sit down and shut the hell up." I told her, clenching my fist. They looked at me, shocked that I would talk to her like that.

"Fine, but this had better be good." She said as she stalked to the living room, and sat heavily in the chair.

"Sorry, Jason." Jane told me. "I never thought that she would be this way."

"It's okay, Jane. I just want her to accept this, as what it is." We went to the living room and sat down. I looked at Sam and noticed that she was calming down.

"Jason, I'm sorry I went off. I just worry that being with her will get you kicked out of school or put in prison." Sam told me.

"I understand, Sam. But the thing is, even if someone was to find out, the worst that would happen is she would get fired and I would get expelled. What we're doing is not illegal."

"How?" Jane asked. Becky reached into her briefcase and pulled out a frame. She slid it toward Jane, who looked at it for a moment. Her eyes grew wide as she realized what it is. "That explains why you went off on Sam."

"What do you mean, mom?" Sam asked.

"Sam, how would you feel if your friend had just insulted your husband?"

"But I'm not married." Sam said, not quite understanding Jane's point.

"But we are." I told her. Sam's eyes widened.

"She's your wife?" She asked, sounding shocked.

"Yes." Becky replied.

"I remember you telling me about your arranged marriage. But, you didn't tell me that she was a teacher."

"She wasn't at the time. She was a college student." I told her. "Today was her first day teaching."

"Was that the reason you were upset?" Tommy asked.

"No. It shocked me, but what upset me most was the way those jocks were looking at her."

"I see what you mean." He said. "If I saw them looking at Sam that way, I'd get upset too." Sam looked at her hands in her lap, with a guilty look.

"Sam? Are you okay?" Becky asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about the things I called you. I was just worried that you were taking advantage of him." Sam told her.

"Sam, I would never do that. I love him too much to do that, or let anyone else do it."

"I know now."

"Well I'm going to get something from the kitchen. Would you help me, Mrs. Jackson?" Tommy asked.

"Sure. But call me Becky." Becky said getting up.


As we walked into the kitchen, Tommy turned around and faced me. "Okay, I know you love him, and I'm not going to threaten you or anything, but I just want you to be careful with him, and please don't leave him."

"I would never do that." I said, confused.

"Did he tell you about Kate?"

"Linda's mom? Yeah, he told me he loved her a lot. And went into a bit of a depression when she died." I told him.

"I figured he would down play it."

"What do you mean?"

"It was a lot worse than that." He started. "We were all worried about him. He wouldn't talk to anyone. He wouldn't leave the house."  Tommy's eyes started to water. "I came over a few weeks later to check on him and I saw him in the kitchen. He had a knife against his wrist." My eyes widened.

Why didn't he tell me?  I thought.

"After that we started watching him more closely. Finally I think it was us reminding him that he still had Linda that saved him"

"Thank you for telling me, Tommy." I said. "I don't plan on leaving them, ever." I told him honestly.

"Then let's get back in there before they start wondering what we're doing." He said grabbing some cokes from the fridge. I nodded and did the same as well as a bottle for Linda.

"Thanks baby." Jason said as I handed him one of the drinks. I sat next to him and kissed him. After a couple of hours of catching up, Sam, Jane and Tommy left, giving Linda one last kiss and Jason a hug. After they left, I put Linda back down to sleep. When I got to our bedroom, Jason was already in there, laying on top of the bed. "What do you think of them?" He asked.

"They seem nice." I told him. "It's easy to tell that they care about you and Linda."

"Yeah. I owe them a lot." I sat for a moment, thinking if I should tell him what Tommy had told me.

"Jason, when Tommy and I went into the kitchen, he told me something that is a bit upsetting."

"What?" He asked seeming worried.

"He told me about when he found you with a knife to your wrists." He let out a sigh, and pulled me gently into him. "Were you seriously thinking of killing yourself?"

"At one point, yes." He said. "But what they don't realize is that by the time that he saw me that time, I had already decided not to."

"What made you decide?" I asked.

"Linda. I realized that while I had lost my girlfriend, she had lost her mom. After that, I couldn't bear to think of causing her to lose both of us." When he finished we just sat there on the bed, snuggling up together. After a few minutes, we decided to get in the bed.

The next morning, I woke up and noticed that his side of the bed was empty. I went to the bathroom, then made my way to the kitchen. When I got there Jason was standing at the stove, cooking breakfast. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You know, you are definitely one of a kind."

"Oh?" He asked. "How's that?"

"Not many guys would be able to juggle high school, a baby and cook breakfast for his family."

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