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A knock came softly on Wanda's door as she cried for the umpteenth time that day. Wanda still hadn't gotten over Pietro's death when they were fighting Ultron and his robots. The amount of pain and rage she felt that day was unbearable, she wanted to kill everyone. Even though days had passed, Wanda would never, ever get over the death of her big brother.

"Come in," she said. Wanda wiped the tears from her cheeks and tried to look decent as possible for the person who knocked on her door.

The door opened slightly, Wanda saw that it was Clint. Clint Barton was like a father to Wanda now, and they grew much closer since her brother died. Clint named his son after her brother, and she thought that was endearing. Maybe she could have a baby brother?

Clint was carrying a shoe box. Wanda was confused that time and wanted to know what was inside of it, but she didn't to use her powers at the moment. She was drained out because of crying.

"I didn't want to show this box to you unless I found the others," Clint spoke, sitting beside Wanda. Wanda looked at Clint before asking, "what is inside the box?"

Clint sighed. He found two crumpled papers at Pietro's body when he carried it to the boats. He realized Pietro was writing to Wanda before and during the battle in case he didn't make it. Clint told the others about it, they helped him find the letters Pietro had written before gathering it all and show it to Wanda.

"This is about your brother," Clint said, afraid of Wanda's reaction. He hadn't really talked to Wanda about Pietro yet. He wanted to give her time.

"What about Pietro?" She asked. Clint opened the shoe box, revealing numerous letters in envelopes. Wanda was nervous about the situation. What did Pietro do?

"Pietro.. h-he was writing letters, before and during the battle we had. I'm guessing it was his past time, or I think he knew he wasn't going to make it. I'm sorry," Clint gave the shoe box to Wanda, tears welling up in her eyes once again.

She became silent. Clint took this as the opportunity to leave her room.

Wanda needed some time with her brother.

She picked up the envelope labelled, "Letter One."

Wanda was hesitant when opening it. It was too fragile for her to even touch. Her brother wrote this for her, she had to read it.

Wanda took a deep breath before opening the letter.

first chapter! the first letter will
come next and the rest will follow.
pietro would only write
about like 10 or 12 letters.

SINCERELY, YOUR BROTHER ⇋ MAXIMOFF TWINSWhere stories live. Discover now