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this morning, my friend brought up an extremely ANNOYING topic regarding the Trials of Apollo, Rick Riorden's new book. What he brought up was all the one star, homophobic, and just horrible COMMENTS and REVIEWS on Amazon. THese people were talking about how it "Forced liberal views onto their children" and that it's "extremely inappropriate'. Okay, sure, whatever, you can have your views.  But I want them to tell me why they think that they can PICK AND CHOOSE FROM THE BIBLE? Like DO YOU EAT SHELLFISH? IF SO, WHY IS THAT ANY LESS OF A SIN? ARE WE STILL GOING TO EXECUTE PEOPLE FOR CHEATING ON THEIR HUSBAND/WIFE? THATS WHAT I THOUGHT. SO WHY DID YOU JUST DECIDE THAT YOU NEEDED TO PREACH AGAINST  H U M A N  R I G H T S???????

I know this is a controversial topic, but it just pisses me off that people think that other human beings don't deserve to have the same rights as everyone else, just because of something they can't control.

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