chapter 2

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Travis pov

Omg Travis was in shock. He had watched ALL off Patricks videos, and looked up to him as a big inspiration. He did not really stalk him. (even thouth he knew everything about the guy. maybe it was alittle stalking...) but he found the guy really hot.

They talked between everything between heaven and earth the next hours and both just totally forgot the world. they were laughing and smiling the whole time both off them. They got comfortable together really fast and Travis felt this werid feeling in his belly as he looked at Patrick.

Suddenly he heard a sharp loud sound as Patrick fell off his chair. Travis cracked up laughing. This guy was deffently his type. Patrick was even hotter when he was blushing. And Travis felt his heart go faster as he smile dorkey at Patrick.

Then Travis look down to his pc are soon gonna die. His smile died and he said to Parick that he'd have to go now. it was 2 am anyway so they should both sleep. they swished phone numbers and said bye blowing kisses to eachother after have known eachother 4 hours. Travis knew this was something spesial as he went to bed.

Pavis The Full Story(Patrick Quirky and Travis Beck)*Canselled*Where stories live. Discover now