Chapter 8

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he had to think stright now! if he was in that situation with no money or his passport where would he go? then he got it. OFFCOURSE!! Zoella was it town this week living on the Plaza hotel down town! he rushed town the street untill he reached the square where it was mainly impossible to walk and ran to the hotel and got the roomnumber where Zoe lived. Patrick HAD to be there.... just then he got a call from (talk about the sun) Zoella freaking Sugg. She said what he'd feared more then anything since they started dating. Patrick had locked himself in the bathroom and they couldn't get him out.... Travis ran up as fast as his legs would take him knowing the lift would be to slow. He then bursted into her room after some hard nervous walking turning right to the bathroom

He cleared his throat loudly and said Patrick love.... you have to come out now! I NEVER loved Meagan well atleast not in that way and I never will just please come out he said crying now as he heard the door unlock then he heard a loud bang and ripped up the door standing there shocked.

My first ever improving chapter! tell me what you think love y'all

Pavis The Full Story(Patrick Quirky and Travis Beck)*Canselled*Where stories live. Discover now