Chapter 4

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Travis pov.

When Travis saw Patrick walking up to him  he went kind off in a shock. He stright up looked like a movie star. And he were tall as a gifaffe. Not that Travis really minded ...He had always wanted a tall boyfriend. Patrick walked all the way up to Travis and stoped just a few inches from him, They just looked at eachother... Meansuring eachother up and down slowly. Then Patrick layed his strong around Travis and pulling him in in a warm tight hug and Travis couldent help but burrying his face on Particks cheast.

They walked towards the exit blabbering in eachothers mouth. Travis got a few jealous looks from jealous teen girls as he walked out with his canadin tall hot man youtube star and got in the car fast. Travis thouth he was a pretty decent driver, thouth he only had his drivers licence for 3 months now. But this time he was really distracted( i mean who wouldent be...) When they got to Travis's house, he stoped the car. Travis felt Patricks warm big hard on his lap and felt fireworks inside as he leaned in a kissed Patricks mouth soft.. He was pretty sure he heard just the way you are in his head as it happened..

i post a new chapter ca every 2 day i hope i do okey for my first story xx more to come ;)


Pavis The Full Story(Patrick Quirky and Travis Beck)*Canselled*Where stories live. Discover now