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the next morning I woke up and turned my head to the side. nine thirty two, nice.
groaning I sat up and stretched. my hips are sore from last night. I swear this always happens when I do it with him. when I look down I see little bruises where he held my hips. great, another thing to deal with.
then I start remembering last nights events. I started feeling hot heat spread on my cheeks and covered my face with my hands. soon enough my heart was racing.

Wally loves me..no he shouldn't I'm just a partner..I sigh and walk into my bathroom. I don't have the similar feeling anyways.
after I step into the shower I turn it on to the right temperature. besides, I already have a boyfriend..
after grabbing my shampoo and messaging it into my scalp I washed it out.
what to do..the mall. I need some more clothes anyways. I can visit the comic shop too while I'm at it.

after washing myself off I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. did I mention that I hated silence? right now I have my justin timberlake playlist on. my iphone is playing tko, one of my favorite songs and I dry myself off while singing to it. 

today is tuesday aka the flash day. I have a deep obsession with superheroes. mainly dc heroes and some marvel, but dc is the best. I put on my flash t shirt and yellow skinny jeans with black flats on. oh yeah I'm looking good today. 

I smile at my reflection in the mirror. but my hair looks a mess. grabbing a brush and a few bobby pins I brush my hair up into a ponytail. after securing it with another band I put my hair in a neat ballerina bun. cute!

 I tame a few stray hairs with the bobby pins and complete the look with a 'the flash' hair-bow that has him running off of it. 

after grabbing a red purse and my essentials I walked out of my apartment then locked the door behind me. to the elevator I go and down to the lobby. 

"good morning Travis", I say to the receptionist with a smile. he's really sweet and caring. 

"good morning Jasmine!" he smiles and waves. I wave back and walk out the main doors. today's weather is very sunny with a high of sixty two. let's just hope the joker doesn't get me. I laugh out loud on that one. of course he doesn't exist. it's odd enough that Gotham exists anyways. I just shrug and walk down the street towards the mall. 

where I live is a part of the business district so it's always busy here. I walk past monarch theatre and next to that is crime alley, a popular bar around here. The biggest mall around is Gotham Mills, where every Gothamite shops. not true but that's what the slogan says.

 after walking in the main entrance I head over to my favorite store and walk into it, the comic shop. I'm not only a book nerd I'm a comic need also. at home I have almost every dc and marvel comic published in existence. 

"hi Johnny!" I say smiling and waving frantically. Jonathan Crane is a skinny, brown haired, button nosed guy who's been my friend since kindergarten. he now owns this shop and gives me some of the new issues if he has any extras in stock.

 "hi Jazzy!" he smiles wide and waves back at me. 

"look at the newest issue of captain america!" he shows me and I gasp with a "oooo" he smiles in satisfaction and puts it away. 

"please Johnny! I'll take good care of-" he interrupts me. "no. I have a special customer coming in to buy it in a few and I can't have you touching it. 

"pleeease?" I beg one more time.

 "I said no Jasmine that's final." pouting I gave up. 

"fiiiine. nice to see ya again John." he came around to the front where I was and wrapped me in what I call a "Johnny bear hug". I hugged him back super tight and pulled back smiling.

 "I missed you too jazzy." he smiles right back at me. he always looked like a scarecrow to me I don't know why. 

"I absolutely love your outfit today", John said smiling wider. 

"why thank you! it's the flash Tuesday so I'm wearing this" I twirl around so he can see the whole thing. 

the door opens with a chime of bells ringing and an expensive looking customer comes in. I turn my head towards the sound and gasp slightly in amazement. This man is stunning yet he looks so..familiar. icy blue eyes that I could get lost in for eternity, a nice jawline, and black hair trimmed to perfection. 

John gives him a stern look. "hello Mr. Wayne.", he says blankly. 

Mr. Wayne?! Just like Batman's last name. but he doesn't..exist..? Must be a coincidence.

"hello Jonathan is the new issue I ordered here?", he has a deep sexy voice that I could listen to for hours. 

Johnny replied "yes I do" before returning behind the counter and laying the newest captain america issue on the glass counter. the Wayne walked over to where I was to see the comic and looked me up and down. not to mention this guy was at least 6'4, and like I mentioned last night I'm 5'8. 

After about a minute he gave me a heart melting smile. "Hey, I'm Damian."  

"Hi, I'm Jasmine!" I say with a confident smile. 

"nice to meet you" we accidentally say in unison resulting in us chuckling.

 "whoops, sorry" we say together again triggering a full blown laugh from me. 

"you're funny Damian" after wiping a few tears out of my eyes I smiled at him. 

"you are too.." he said giving me another heart melting smile. this guy is too hot to handle. behind us John clears his throat. oh I forgot he was here. 

me and Damian both turn around and walk up to the counter.

 "sorry about that" I say blushing and rubbing my arm nervously. Damian examined the comic for a few seconds and looked at Jonathan. 

"I'll take it" ding! my text alert goes off and I check my phone. it's Jason..great. 

'hey I want to meet up for lunch ;) let me know where- J' Jason is..my brother of sorts.

 "alright that'll be..one thousand two hundred and twenty seven dollars please" I sputter and step back. John must've noticed me cause he said, "jazz it's a one of a kind, chill." 

"don't worry you can come over to my house and read it sometime." Damian says after he gets out a card that says 'Wayne Enterprises' on it. Interesting.

"Really?" I reply as I start texting Jason back. 'derby's at one thirty. be there.' I'm still kinda nervous about seeing him.

"Yeah sure.", He replies smiling as I look up at him. Johnny gives Damian a bag and he speaks once more. "nice outfit by the way, I have a strong preference for robin though" I blush after he finishes his statement. 

"thank you.." he smiles at me then gasps. "oh I forgot to give you this" he hands me a card. "Just text me and I'll text you my address." I examine it for about a second then flick my eyes back up to his. 

"will do Mr. Wayne. see ya later Johnny I'll text you as soon as I get home" I say waving to him walking out with Damian. 

"bye jazz..take care.." he sounded kinda weary on that last statement. eh I'll ask him about it later. 

Damian opens the door for me and I smile walking out. "such a gentleman" after walking out behind me he turned and held his hand out. "Now that its just the two of us, I can formally introduce myself. I'm Damian Wayne nice to meet you." he said with his award winning smile. 

I smile and take his hand shaking it firmly, "Jasmine Valeska" his eyes widen a bit as I say my last name. 

"Valeska?" I shrug a bit and nod. "yeah..why?" he smiles unsurely and replies "no reason. text me later, kay?" I feel a card being slipped into my hand as he walks away.  I hear him yell. so confusing..I turn the card over in my palm and read it. 'Mr Damian Wayne CEO of Wayne Enterprises' this guy is a ceo?! on the other side I see a number, must be his cell. I'll text him later I guess. maybe. 

ding! I got a new message. I took my phone out of my purse and checked it. ...oh no.

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